Some of the work that Genyo Takeda has done:
Laser Clay Shooting System (1973) - Nintendo's first arcade game.
Wild Gunman (1974) - The first game with cutscenes, FMV, live-action video, and QTEs.
Sheriff (1979) - The first run & gun shooter, with dual-stick controls. He created its arcade hardware and software. Its cut-scenes and damsel-in-distress theme provided a blueprint for Donkey Kong.
Punch-Out (1983) - The first video game with large colourful sprite graphics, over-the-shoulder view, and rechargable health meter. He created its arcade hardware and software.
NES enhancement MMC chips (1980s) - His MMC technology made enhancement chips possible on the NES, extending its lifespan significantly, with most of the NES library depending on them. The SNES also used similar enhancement chip technology.
Zelda cartridge save backup (1987) - This made saving possible on consoles, with this technology being used by most cartridge-based consoles, from the NES to the N64.
N64 analog thumbstick (1995) - While not the first analog thumbstick (see XE1-AP above), it was the N64 analog thumbstick that directly inspired the creation of Sony's DualShock controller series.
Wii (2006) - Introduced functional motion-sensitive controls to homes for the first time.
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