No they aren't. They are having difficulty porting the engine due to the fact it has to be multithreaded quite a bit more than it currently is. It's very difficult to make that radcial of a change to any game engine.Â
Translation: Â The AMD GPU on the PS4 is a piece of $hit when it comes to performance per core, and we're going to ahve to make cutbacks because not everythign can be highly parallelized, and regardless 8 cores with poor performance will never beat 4 cores at considerably better performance.
Conclusion: They are going to up the culling of players on the consoles version.
They said they can do full servers of 2000 players once they get their engine threaded. This will directly benifit the PC gamers too as Planetside 2 runs like ass even on a really powerful PC because it is CPU bottlenecked.
Making assumptions makes you look like an idiot. You have absolutly no idea what you're talking about.
Says the guy making assumptions of an opposite nature. Are you devleoping for the PS4? Nope. So where are you coming up with the assumption that solving the issue of a main game thread being very reliant on a single thread/having problems with data parallelization and data synchronization that literally THOUSANDS of developers have been tryign to solve for the past decade, will suddenly, magically, be solved by these guys?
Not to mention that it still doesn't address the fact that the CPU is terrible, performance wise. Even if they do the improbable and manage to break up that main thread so that it uses the best possible 8 threaded optimization solution on this AMD CPU, it STILL won't give them the same performance as a mdoern desktop CPU.
Which means they will have to cull more players on the console version. Â By the way, player culling is done on PC as well. You never actually see 2,000 people in the same area. The server prioritizes and only shows you a subset of that numebr at any one time.
Look, I'm nto saying things won't improve on their end. It's entirely possible that for various reasons they never even went through and tried to do a better job at multi-threading their core logic.
But please stop makign it seem like prallelizaiton is this magical thing that it'll make a tablet grade AMD CPU suddenly perform like an i7 on steroids. I'm sure they'll get some more performance out that CPU than they are getting now. I'm also sure that whatever they'll get out of it won't match what they'll get out of an i5 or even a decent i3.
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