Ok, first, why the hell wasn't this your response in the first place? Why did you have to start throwing ad hominems and otherwise making yourself look like the fool the other guy on this thread shows himself to be?
You're utilizing benchmark performance of similar (but not the same) X86-64 processors on the PC so that's not the best comparison in the world, but since it's really all we have to go with it's going to be close enough. It's absolutly true to say that high end PC's CPUs are more powerful per-core becuase modern quad core i7's cost more than half of what a PS4 does. It's a console so you're not going to be getting top of the line hardware.
I'm not comparing to an i7. The banchmarks compare vs an i5. On a per core basis the difference is nearly 4 fold vs an i5... FROM LAST GEN of i series CPU's. The performance of that architecture is frankly, very poor vs a desktop processor from 4 years ago. It's a low power part emant for high end tablets. Sony is banking (yet again) on multiple cores saving the day - just like it did with the cell. And look how that turned out.
And yes I know that's not quite a fair comparison, the cores on this AMD part are a lot more robust than the onces in the cell. But still.
The CPU bottlenecks are being addressed through multithreading, but that can only get back some of the performance gap. That's all true, but now is when you start making massive assumptions.
Ahh, the good stuff. Here we go!
You're assuming the PS4's CPU is so weak that they need to make further cuts.
Vs what's playing PS2 on average? Absolutley.
but the game does run and it does not cull out more players as that would give players with a higher end CPU a massive advantage. There is 1 level of culling done across the entire range of hardwares specifications that Planetside 2 supports.Â
See, this is big. This puts a hole into my argument, that we would have never known about if you had stopped at calling me an idiot. Luckily you didn't. Now, are you sure this is the case? If it is, then yeah, it looks like the bottleneck is elsewhere. But I'm nto 100% convinced. Do you have a cite?Â
I don't think cullign mroe players would provide a massive advantage people with high pwoered CPU's though... in fact it would be a dissadvantage. If your CPU let's you interact with 200 more people than the other guy... well that's 200 possible more people takign a shot at you. So you might be right, but I think you have the logic here backwards.
Too add to that, DX9 has a lot of API level issues with multithreading and the code has to be a "one size fits all" for Intel and AMD processors. Right now it's optimized a bit better for Intel processors and it's memory managment and CPU utilization are just poor due to their insistence of supporting 3-4 year old hardware that physically lacks the capabilities that modern X86-64 chips have (including the PS4's) AND utilizing DX9 instead of using a much more efficient API. The PS4 and Xbox One both have far more efficient APIs that are built with mulithreading in mind. And yes, DX still has a lot of CPU operations so that will make a difference. DirectX is more than just graphics.
Hmm, I forgot about DX9. I thought this game was DX11. Yeah, DX9 is going to kill multi-threaded performance on anything. It's outdated as all heck.
Ok, so I stand by view that the low powered CPU ont he PS4 IS going to have an impact on the game vs what it cna do on a mid-range and higher PC. There are just some workloads that do not benefit from multiple cores.Â
And I stand corrected about the role of players on the CPU performance. You're also right about DX9 probably being responsible for the poor CPu performance of the game on modern CPU's and GPU's.
Maybe next time you can, you know, answer like this, vs calling people idiots?Â
I hate this board's quote system. It's buggy as hell.
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