[QUOTE="dc337"] But isn't the $60 xbox 360 price tag for profit as well? Given that the 360 version will probably out sell the pc version by 10x, couldn't you argue that they need to charge $60 to increase profits from their pc version? I guess I don't understand the belief that all games should be a fixed price forever, especially when pc games have been $50 for over a decade while inflation has gone up. It's their game, they can try to charge $60 if they want. If it isn't worth $60 to you then don't buy it. Wait a month and get it for $45 on ebay.
10x is an absurd number (purely unsubstantiated false information from someone who hates PC Gaming) , by mid January 2008 the PC version had sold 383 Thousand retail copies, the data says in 2007 14% percent of non-casual PC Game sales game through digital distribution. ( And that was a growing trend so it is likely retail accounts for more like 10% today )
The pc had sold 383,000 while the 360 version had sold 3.04 million. MW2 on 360 could sell 10x the pc version with all the hype and marketing it is getting. I also think a lot of pc gamers will skip this time because of all the changes. But the main point is that it will undoubtedly outsell the pc version by a large amount which could justify making the pc version the same price.A lot of people here seem to be upset with them using iwnet but let's not forget what happened last time:
By not providing the game server software they are going to make it a lot more difficult to play on a cracked server. They are probably going to run file integrity checks when you connect to the server which is why mods are no longer allowed. It's their game, they can lock it up if they want. If anyone is to blame it is the pirates that encourage developers to take these types of precautions.
I know a lot of pc gamers are upset by what they are doing but remember that COD has become a console game due to the vast majority of sales being on 360/PS3. So be glad they are making a pc version and one that you can still buy at retail. I wouldn't be surprised if they went steam only at some point.
Not surprised, DC just ignores the facts and continues to propagate false information
How about addressing my argument, oh wait you can't, you refuse to acknowledge the digital distribution sales because you got nothing :lol: :lol:
383 Thousand are the RETAIL NUMBERS, RETAIL = 14% of PC Game Sales
This is starting to look alot like that abysmal Nvidia thread you started where you just tried to ignore the facts behind the situation and then ultimately just ran away.
10x is an absurd number (purely unsubstantiated false information from someone who hates PC Gaming) , by mid January 2008 the PC version had sold 383 Thousand retail BOX copies, the data says in 2007 retail sales account for 14% of PC Game sales leaving 86% for digital distribution and monthly fees( And that was a growing trend so it is likely retail accounts for more like 10% today
So if 383 thousand was roughly 14% of the PC Versions sales in the first 2 months of release then you can conclude in the first 2 months the PC Version sold
2.726 Million copies.
You can find more evidence to support the PC Version sold roughly that many copies in the fact that we know the ORANGE BOX on PC
( which heavily outsold the console versions )
Doug Lombari We were very happy with both the Xbox 360 and PS3 sales. I think the Xbox 360 version did just over a million, while the PS3 version did a few hundred thousand copies. So I think when all is said and done, The Orange Box will have sold about 1.5 million copies on the console, which is great. But the game's PC sales were much stronger.
This interview was done four and a half months after the release of Orange Box.
So lets be conservative and say when Doug said "But the game's PC sales were much stronger. " means the PC Version of Orange Box at that time had sold 2+ million. ( Though I would imagine "MUCH STRONGER" meant more like 3 million )
So now if you looked at the player/server count online of COD4 you would know the game is much, much more popular than the multiplayer aspect ( Team Fortress 2 ) of Orange box.
So with all this evidence considered my 2.7 million estimate sounds very accurate.
Now lets factor in the fact that Gabe Newell said on Half life 2 his company got 7 dollars for every box copy sold, while for every digital copy they got 4x as much, 28 dollars.
Now Valve owns steam so they obviously get a higher share of profits per digital copy than others do, but lets be conservative yet again and assume that Infinity Ward gets at least double the amount of money from each digitally sold copy of the game than it does from each 360/PS3/PC Retail boxed copy.
That means for 86% of the 2.7 million sold on PC in the first two months of the game being out it go double the amount of money out of each copy than it did on the retail boxes.
That means profit wise the PC 2.7 Million sales is equal to 5.05 Million console copies of the game sold and thats in the first two months. Not as much as the 360 version, but far more than you give PC Gaming credit for.
So 10x :lol: the facts say the 360 Version sold more like twice as much and the PC version is much more profitable than the PS3 version. So in reality dc the numbers you make up are just as bad as someone saying you need to buy a PC for 5 Grand to play PC Games
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