[QUOTE="KRaDOSIV"]This may often be true of mainstream games but there are many instances in which it is certainly not true, including MANY in the mainstream. See Super Mario Galaxy, generally called the best game of the generation by critics. IT has very nice graphics for Wii, very colorful and pretty with a nice art direction. But why is it a good game? It's certainly not because of the graphics! If that was why Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts would be the best platformer this generation, but it's not even considered CLOSE to such a title, not with Super Mario Galaxy, LittleBigPlanet, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and some others exist. It's great because of excellent game design and because it manages a decent difficulty curve that will have some very challenged, and the ones who find it easy can take on the challenge modes. Beyond beating the game there are STILL 40-60 (can't remember which) stars to be collected, many with new twists, and then you unlock Luigi to play the levels as. This is called depth, a game you an beat and still have things to do. A different type of this would be Demon's Souls, Gamespot's Game of the Year. The graphics were beautiful and created an amazing atmosphere, but was this why it was praised? Definitely not, if graphics were what won last year Uncharted 2 would've won as it was expected to. It was the innovative DEEP, DIFFICULT, game design that made it a success. The game allows infinite New Game +s (to my knowledge), has many things to collect, and has an absurdly high level cap. Plus you can interact with others. Then there are side quests, many well concealed, as well as the simple fact that there are so many different ways to take on the challenge this game provides, and you'll get a very different experience (switch between Thief, Magician, and Knight, the game will feel VERY different). That's a game that is great because of its depth and difficulty. Even games in the mainstream like Call of Duty MW 2, which while, IMO, having ugly graphics, sell like "hot cakes lodged in copies of an unreleased Harry Potter book set during Hermione's bicurious phase." Why? The mainstream gamer finds the instant gratification, quick learning curve, and all around fun of the game appealing. Now I personally don't like Call of Duty, but do you think people like it because of graphics? No, they like the shooting. If it was graphics they all wanted they'd be trying to play Crysis, but they are totally happy buying a new CoD game every year because they find them fun. Mainstreamers like Halo because of the fun multiplayer, which while many would pass off as boring and stupid, to anyone really playing it, they'd have fun with how customizable games really are in MP. I'm not a big FPS fan at all, I only play Valve games and Killzone 2 (not so much KZ2, mostly TF2) consistently, but I find the multiplayer to be very fun, off or online. It has huge open maps and a lot of fun ways to customize matches, right down to the gravity level. This is why people like it, not because of its graphics, God no the graphics in Halo 3 are by no means good. Simply, this is not true. There are some games I would argue are all flash no substance, but these games often aren't received very well. Crysis is largely graphics, but the Nanosuit provides a decent sense of innovation and depth, so while the game may feel a bit generic, it has other things going for it. Shattered Horizon is generally said to have amazing graphics, but critically it was not well received, getting only a 72 on Metacritic. So obviously Crysis has something to make it stand out and get an average AAAE score. I don't think it's that great a game, I've tried playing it without the good graphics to say if that was all that was good, but it isn't 100% graphics. And thus begins me posting on here. Hi!Gundamforce
I think you said it perfectly. Welcome to Gamespot and System Wars. You'll do fine here.
Nice post
SMG was excellent in terms of difficulty, I'd take Luigi's harder to control physics over crap like enemies hit harder / have more HP. Smartest move in a platformer ever made, also it worked because you had those incredibly fun levels which you want to come back to and replay as Luigi. If you look at statistics, you'd see that I died more times as Luigi although I am familliar with all the levels at this point, evidence showing that it is in fact harder, in a very very good way.
CoD:MW2 is considered a fail by many, because they mainstreamed the game making it reflex based and not aim, this means it's no longer a skill-oriented game, but more like a fun party experience such as Mario Kart Wii, and as proven this concept sells, how can it be fail I don't see that, just because it isn't made specifically for you? I for example, loved MW1 and won't play MW2 because of this, but I see that this concept is loved by many others, and that makes me happy even though it's my loss.
Btw, I thought the general consensus was that UC2 is 2009 goty? Awesome game, one of the best games this gen, the gameplay is amazing, I couldn't care less about story / graphics.
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