post pics..the PC hardware, graphics settings and framerate that match what GOW3 shows in graphics. Even if you eliminate all jaggies it still has to look as good and actually perform.
It's easy to max out PC settings and post some amaizng looking picture, but it's just a picture, it's another thing to actually have a fluid playable game. GOW3 is flawless in that area running a 30 - 44 FPS all while maintaing those graphics. Yes msr "lol" you do need PC hardware running games maxed out to do all of that while having graphics that are better.
What's good about GOW3 in terms of graphics? The environment is pretty sparse and it's in tightly controlled view port.If you don't know you shouldn't be talking about graphics...Asking what is good about GOW3 in terms of graphics? No one cares about your self made opinions to downplay this amazing looking game, so you can stop trying it isn't impressive. It set new standards for graphics on consoles, if that is not "good" enough then you are obviously just trying to hate.
You are a tech guy so you should enjoy reading it all. .................................................
"Looking at any of the full resolution screenshots from the final release code of God Or War 3, you could be forgiven for thinking that what you are seeing is nothing more than supersampled bullshots, shots created for the purpose of making the game look good when blown up several times its original size for magazine printing. However you?d be very wrong indeed, because although some have speculated that these latest direct-feed grabs of GoW3 are downsampled images like most of the screens released for the demo, we at IQGamer can confirm that they in fact showcase the game?s unique Anti-Aliasing method in action."
Imagequalitymatter's doesn't factor in that MLAA is just a screen space/image based AA and doesn't factor in depth data like MSAA.
The combo MSAA X4 + MLAA 2.0 (or FXAA) has a better coverage than pure MSAA or pure MLAA. Image based AA (i.e. MLAA) is not a big issue with 1080p render.
Imagequalitymatter's claims for "SuperSample" (SSAA) = GOW3 's MLAA is a LOL. I increase the screenshot to 1280x720p to 1920x1080p (my native res) and I see jaggies.
Comparing PS3 toy against my AMD Radeon HD 7950 @1Ghz is a joke (Sorry Sony). Wait for PS4's Radeon HD 7850 level GPU to get improved IQ.
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