Why. Because not everyone is goingto love a single game. So I'm wondering why do every blockbuster obtain these scores. Halo 3, MGS4, Uncharted 2 among thieves, super mario galaxy, etc. The hype, the amount of fanboyism that goes into these games astounding. Unlike the movie genre, reviewers can be as subjective as possible. Why didn't I enjoy this movie, what I enjoyed about this movie. However, you never see these statements in blockbuster games. I found some of the sections to be dull and boring. I found the last section to be too hard and thus making it frusterating. Instead, they attempt to be as objective as possible. This game is technically the best game. Instead of this game is technically the best game made unfortunately I felt the artstyle was generic and didn't immerse the player. Blockbuster games never have negative aspects about stuff they didn't enjoy. It ultimately just feels like a bullet point features of all the aspects of the game which is disappointing.
Ultimately, I find that score usually are similar with the amount of production values instead of the enjoyment. GTA 4 had immense production values and as result scored high. Uncharted 2 had immense production values and scored high. Halo 3 had immense production values. However, I enjoyed infamous more than halo 3 or gta 4. Why can't I score that game higher than those games if I enjoyed the game more.
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