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It's out in Japan...At this rate its no Kingdom Hearts BBS for anyone.
Really Square Enix how ******* long does it take to make a PSP game.
HOW DARE YOU SQUARE, HOW DARE YOU, think about the 5 or 6 person who brought a psp go and didn't return it ... oh the humanity
HOW DARE YOU SQUARE, HOW DARE YOU, think about the 5 or 6 person who brought a psp go and didn't return it ... oh the humanity
what are the sales numbers for PSGo anyway? Since its release? Like 4 and half. Maybe 5.the idea wasn't terrible just terribly terribly GO was a terrible idea.
[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]This just proves that the Go was a complete mistake.PSP107so what does it say about DD's future considering PSP Go was the test dummy?
Absolutely nothing. The PSP Go launched at an inflated price with much cheaper alternative models on the market and insecure retailers who weren't willing to adapt decided to be stubborn and not carry it. If you want a more accurate depiction of the success of digital distribution, look at PC gaming.
It's pretty obvious at this point that PSP Go was an experiment to see what people want from next gen handhelds. I expect Sony to unveil their new (andserious)handheld, that's supposed to compete with Apple, at E3.
Why are people bashing the PSP GO so much over this decision? What about the people who own a regular psp and would like to just download the game to their memory card? I seriously doubt Square will leave this game off the PSN. Dissidia and other Square games are available for purchase on the PSN so I dont see why they wouldnt release KH on it too.
[QUOTE="DJ_Headshot"][QUOTE="blazinpuertoroc"]the idea wasn't terrible just terribly terribly executed. what would you've done difrrently? I for one wouldnt have charged 250 bucks for it. If they want to kill off UMDS to switch to DD, they need to stop producing games on UMDS before they release a DD only GO was a terrible idea.
[QUOTE="DJ_Headshot"][QUOTE="blazinpuertoroc"]the idea wasn't terrible just terribly terribly executed. what would you've done difrrently?wow...PSP GO was a terrible idea.
The only drawback is price. I love my PSPGO. The old PSP is to ****ng bulky. I won't take that thing anywhere. UMD sucks ass. SLOW.
GO>PSP3000. Except in price.
Smaller, more egronomic, blue tooth support, 13 gigs right away. Loads faster, can pause any game any time. Don't need to worry about bringing UMDs anywhere. Thank god I couldn't care less about Kingdom Hearts. GOW, and the GTA games are good enough for me to play on the road. PLUS PS1 classics, and SH, KZL, RR, MGSPW.
Most games I care about are already on PSN.
The GO only failed because most handheld gamers are poor children who like to trade games when they don't have job. ;)
Granted, If I had already owned a PSP3000 the upgrade wouldn't be worth it. As it stood the extra money for ME was well worth it. I can stick it right in my pocket like a cell phone and finally play anytime I want.
This doesn't effect me at all.
I don't have a PSP but I wouldn't be stupid enough to buy the PSP Go.
Honestly, I wonder who was stupid enough to buy the piece of crap.
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