@majestix1988: wut?
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its just upgraded graphics on PC but with a little exclusive intact on it like the game its not releasing on Xbox[so simple excuse then it becomea bashing statement by Hermits]
Not a single console gamer gives a shit when a game is also on PC. When will PC gamers understand this?
You think I enjoyed MGS1 any less because it was also on PC? lol
and lol @ "day 1!!!!!"
You =/= people. A lot of people became upset when MGS V and FF13 went multiplat. Hell some even gave death threats to devs.... But that's not the point... The point is,,, people buy Console for exclusives. Without enough exclusives, there isn't much to do.
I dont get it, why would cows cry when THEY ARE ALSO GETTING THE GAME??
you should fix it to sheep/lems am cry
The game was initially announced as a PC exclusive, why would anyone assume it was exclusive to PS4?
lol,it 's really funny to see lemmings make a big deal about this as if it is news, this game was NEVER said to be exclusive. Sony said they are treating it as an exclusive with PS4 being the only console it's available for.
From the beginning it is yet another game available in the PS4 library not available on the console competition (wii U, x box one) that you don't need a PC to play. This will be advertised for PS4 and truthfully as the only console you can play it on lol this news helps xbox1 not at all for xbox fans cheering.
#lemsbehindPC lol smh.
Does it really matter/bother anyone? I think near enough all games should be multi-plat (if the systems can handle them).
wow, there goes one of my biggest reasons to get a ps4. i was gonna get one just for no mans sky if it had timed exclusivity. fucking awesome.
puhaha no you weren't manny.
The game was initially announced as a PC exclusive, why would anyone assume it was exclusive to PS4?
We already knew it was on PC, but many thought it was timed exclusive meaning it would release on PS4. I'm sure you could see how some sony fanboys around here would try to use that
If you're too ghetto to have a PS4 this is a good option for you. You can play no mans sky when you're done making spreadsheets
Everyone already knew it was going to be on the PS4 and PC. It's just doubtful that it comes to the XBone.
@frank_castle: it was thought to be timed
Sure, but we always knew it was never truly an exclusive.
But unless you otherwise have a capable PC, it might as well be.
Same thing with the eventual releases of Shenmue 3 and the FF VII remake.
How did Sony have the best e3 again?
'Also launching 2015, no wait 2016..........it will be out when it is finished.' Am I doing it right Cows?
Announcing 3 games that people have waited over 10 years for.
Lol lems. Everyone knew that this was coming to pc for a while now, whether or not it was timed is and always was irrelevant. The fact that this game looks awesome and isn't on the Xbox one is why people hyped it.
I've been asking for months what do you actually do in this game and nobody knew. It's just been shown at E3 and still nobody knows. Maybe they released it early on PC so some modders can put the gameplay in?
How did Sony have the best e3 again?
'Also launching 2015, no wait 2016..........it will be out when it is finished.' Am I doing it right Cows?
Announcing 3 games that people have waited over 10 years for.
Including 2 that are coming to PC as well and 1 crowdfunded
Not an exclusive. Not even a timed exclusive. Has been confirmed on the PC E3 conference.
PS. Day One means it's coming to PC on the same day with the PS4's version.
Still not coming to other consoles and they never said console exclusive mate
It was already known that it was coming to PC, this is about the fact it is releasing the same time as the PS4 version
So why is this still a big deal? Do lemmings and hermits not have anything other to complain about?
@The_Last_Ride: because it's system wars, and some fanboys made a big deal of it being timed exclusive
It's not a big deal, but it's an indie game and Xbox has made it clear they won't take in indies that don't come to their platform first or at the same time as the others.
I've never really had less interest in a game than No Man's Sky. Do you literally just fly from planet to planet doing nothing but looking around? That's what it looks like, but LOL at the Cows who were claiming ownage over this.
I remember quite a few Cows claiming it was exclusive to PS4 until PC gamers had to remind them of the PC version which was announced first. It amazes me how factions don't remember their claims.
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