What do you expect the game will score an -A , A, AA, or whatever people.
"We’ve spent years filling No Man’s Sky with surprises. You've spent years waiting. Please don't spoil it for yourself :("
I expect it to be a 10 for me personally and I think it will get both extremes of the scale from others. I can't wait. It's all I'm going to be doing for quite a while after it releases. My wife is going to hate me. If I had to guess a Gamespot score I would say 8.
This game just speaks to me telepathically. Something about the quadrillion planets.
This game should be taught in public schools... children need to learn about space and planets at a very young age.
Every student should have a PS4 and a copy No Man's Sky IMO to teach them about science.
With a game like this I'm going to disregard any review that doesn't have at least 50+ hours invested, a game of this nature needs the honeymoon phase to wear off to get an objective standpoint of where it fundamentally sits and how much momentum and longevity it can actually produce and maintain with such bare bones lack of substance.
I don't know about the score here, but my guess would be somewhere in the 70's on Metacritic. It will get kudos for originality but will fail to deliver mechanically and in terms of meaningful content that will keep the player entertained and wanting more.
Less is more will be downfall of this title, there's too much with too little in between.
And I've been called out for making weak/bad hype threads. (eye roll)
I don't really have any interest in this game. But like I said to @Heil68, since the meta game is dead, I'll hype everything AAA from now on.
This game just speaks to me telepathically. Something about the quadrillion planets.
This game should be taught in public schools... children need to learn about space and planets at a very young age.
Every student should have a PS4 and a copy No Man's Sky IMO to teach them about science.
Nah, they need to have monthly field trips to the creationism museum not learn science lol
Today's gamers and reviewers require cutscenes, storytelling and a ton of hand-holding. This game seems to have none of that. "A" confirmed.
@cainetao11: meta game is dead here?
For reference purposes, the new Metagame rules are being added to this thread, so users can refer to them whenever necessary:
The System Wars Metagame has been a mainstay of System Wars for over a decade, since the forum first came into being. It was a way to try and quantify each system's library, and to try and reach some consensus over what system has the best games. The metagame existed by:
- Using Gamespot reviews for games;
- Assigning a grade value to scores (A for scores in the 7 range, AA for the 8 range, AAA for the 9 range, and AAAA for the elusive 10);
- Keeping track of all of these scores;
- Comparing which system had the most number of A, AA, AAA, and AAAA games
As an aside, the metagame also placed emphasis on exclusives as the most important component to a system's library.
As of right now, however, the metagame is no more.
Q: Why was the metagame scrapped?
If you go through the metagame description above, it's not hard to see why, really. Things have greatly changed now from what they were just ten years ago. Exclusives are increasingly rare, and their importance has been de-emphasized from before. Gamespot's scoring system has changed- from .1 increments to just integer increments, 1 to 10, a system that does not lend itself to the metagame, as we used to have it, on System Wars. Metacritic culture, and the rise of other review sources and outlets, all of which form an ecosystem of game reviews, so to speak, has solidified in the last decade, so that limiting our discussion to only Gamespot's reviews when it comes to any game just creates an unrepresentative echo chamber, and doesn't really offer us a representative picture of the game or its reception. Moreover, it leads to derailments in discussion, as posters start debating the value of Metacritic versus just sticking to one outlet's scores, and really, the value of game reviews in the first place.
All of this, plus the fact that the official spreadsheets are dead- they have not been updated in over two years. No one is keeping track of scores any more, making the metagame more of an old entity we pay lip service to than anything that actually has any functional, meaningful use in the context of System Wars today.
Q: But there are still hype threads?
Yes, we're still going to keep hype threads. But the hype threads are now going to be more of pre-release information and discussion threads, as well as a place where, yes, users can predict what scores (Gamespot, Metacritic, elsewhere) a game may end up scoring. They will no longer determine whether a game has 'flopped' or 'met hype.'
Q: So how do we compare games?
You compare them any way you want- you can use Gamespot scores, if you want to, sure, but if the other person is using Metacritic scores, they are also equally right to do so. One is no longer given any official sanction or preference over the other. Simply put, someone who says that The Last of Us or The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess were AAAE games rather than AAE ones on the basis of Metascores is no longer wrong. Metascores are now as valid in discussion as Gamespot scores.
Q: What if the other person and I can't see eye to eye on what metric to use?
Then it's your job to convince them, or theirs to convince you. A reminder: this is a discussion board. It's a discussion board where, by definition, differences of opinion are played up. It's a discussion board the very existence of which is predicated on people trying to convince the others that your opinions are right, and theirs, not necessarily so much. You think the other person is wrong by choosing Metacritic as their metric of choice, or Gamespot, maybe? Then you tell them why. Try and establish to them why your point of view may have validity. Discuss, and try to arrive at a consensus.
Q: This is anarchy!
Yeah, but isn't all of System Wars, really?
Q: So can we at least still try to track hype in hype threads?
Sure, if you want to try and track a game's hyped Gamespot score within its hype thread, you are free to do so. Just remember, it doesn't hold any 'official sanction' anymore- so if The Last of Us 2 scores an 8 after being hyped 10, it doesn't make that game a flop, I'm afraid.
Q: Has the definition of 'exclusive' changed?
Again, it depends.
Look, one of the reasons the metagame was scrapped was because of its rigidity and inflexibility in trying to apply one standard even where it may not fit. Absolute exclusivity, which the old metagame favored, is still the gold standard, of course. But it is no longer viable in the present day marketplace. Absolute exclusives really don' exist- even first party games are often shared with PCs and smartphones sometimes, now.
So what definition of exclusives are we using? That will depend on the context of the discussion, and that's the beauty of it. Calling Street Fighter V a PS4 exclusive in context of a PS4 vs Xbox One discussion is perfectly acceptable, as is calling ReCore an Xbox One exclusive. Discussing the value of soft exclusives like these in the context of the larger market is a discussion that is now welcomed, rather than before, where it was against the metagame, and therefore invalid.
Of course, an absolute exclusive is still the best, because no one can really argue against it- but soft exclusives are no longer grounds for derailed discussions or dismissal.
Q: So what changes?
Honestly? Not much. For all purposes, the metagame has been dead for a while now. We haven't been updating the spreadsheets for two years now, and discussions using Metascores have been a thing for a fair while now. Functionally, not much changes. All that has changed is that discussions that got derailed over the value of the metagame, or Gamespot reviews versus industry reviews represented by Metacritic at large, are now officially no longer off topic.
Also, games will no longer be officially determined as 'flops' on the basis of Gamespot scores. Their value as A(E), AA(E), AAA(E), and AAAA(E) is no longer tied to just Gamespot scores. You want to call Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze a AAE game on the basis of its Metascore? Go nuts!
Q: Are these changes retroactively applicable?
Yes. Rejoice, The Last of Us and Halo 5 are no longer flops.
Q: Will the metagame ever be back?
Maybe eventually, one day. We've been trying to overhaul it for the present day context for a while now, but the issue is we haven't been able to come up with anything. We got nothing. We've been drawing a blank, and it led us to the conclusion that the metagame, as it exists, may probably just be too steeped in the past to be properly translated to today.
We're going to continue to try and come up with ways to bring the metagame back, and if you want to join the conversation, you're free to message the mods with your ideas. We'll be sure to take them into account!
I say 7/10
I could be surprised as when I said 8/10 to UC4 and 8/10 for QB then the scores dropped and lol. But for sure if it scores high I'm going to be entertained with someone's meltdown.
I'm calling it now, I'm giving No Man's Sky a 8/10 baby. My PS4 pre-order is ready to download ASAP!!!
but the box art is so sexy are you getting a special background or something going digital?
Unlike the Xbox One, the Ps4 is still getting games. I've used my WiiU more than my Xbox One. Microsoft fucked up big time.
Unlike the Xbox One, the Ps4 is still getting games. I've used my WiiU more than my Xbox One. Microsoft fucked up big time.
Why do you feel the need to make stupid posts.
@dynamitecop: But I'm right.
You using your Wii U more is your personal prerogative, and both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are getting games so your post is assertively and factually wrong, actually.
P.S. You bringing the Xbox One up in a discussion about a game that has no ties to it as a method of demeaning it shows a great deal of insecurity.
@dynamitecop: We Happy Few runs at 24 FPS on Xbox One. It's a bad console.
BroForce ran at 14 FPS on the PlayStation 4, anything else you'd like to add?
Again, you're making stupid posts.
@dynamitecop: It's fixed, unlike the dozens of Xbox One multiplats that do much worse. A shame, but Microsoft did everything wrong this gen. Hmm
@dynamitecop: It's fixed, unlike the dozens of Xbox One multiplats that do much worse. A shame, but Microsoft did everything wrong this gen. Hmm
That's really fucking neat kiddo, so again, what does this little anti-Xbox tirade you're on have to do with this thread and this game?
Oh, absolutely nothing, you're shit posting.
@dynamitecop: It's just objective high tier posting. I post only the truth followed by subjective statements, my own feelings. For example:
The Xbox One is an underpowered piece of shit (fact), but it's a great doorstop (fact), and I prefer the color white on it (subjective). It's just how I post.
Why discuss the game at hand when we can all just watch you two fanboys argue with each other for the next few pages? I know I'm on the edge of my seat to find out which console company is the best.
I'm not doing anything, we're talking about a PlayStation 4/PC game and this douche canoe flies off the handle about the Xbox One for no reason.
Just look at this bullshit.
@dynamitecop: It's just objective high tier posting. I post only the truth followed by subjective statements, my own feelings. For example:
The Xbox One is an underpowered piece of shit (fact), but it's a great doorstop (fact), and I prefer the color white on it (subjective). It's just how I post.
I don't think it looks like its going to do anything to make someone go "oooh wow"... Based on the 40 mins leaked footage I have seen I can fully say that this game looks like a resource gathering free to play survival game or at best a £20/$30 steam game.
The hype was completely uncalled for.
@mark1974: Objectively? Ps4, this gen. Easily.
So what?!
Just don't listen to him, his logical continuity is all over the place, he's a total waste of time and space...
It's just stupidity.
Game will run and look like ass on PS4 as it does in this video. PC is the only way to go if you wan't this walking/flying simulator.
@mark1974: Objectively? Ps4, this gen. Easily.
So what?!
Just don't listen to him, his logical continuity is all over the place, he's a total waste of time and space...
It's just stupidity.
NO freedomfreak is regular gamer dude hes pissed that this game isn't out on his xbox one hes fed up i saw his other post about how frusterated he is with his xbox one.
Hes just at ends with it right now. He wants games like no mans sky for his xbox one hes been playing a crapton of street fighter 5 and his wiiU.
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