@psymon100 said:
I have some questions:
Given: DirectX of course, is proprietary to Windows, 360, XB1.
Would I be right to assume the XB1's hardware is capable of OpenGL/Mantle, but MS simply don't allow it's use? They want DirectX API's utilised? I suspect that yes - the hardware is capable but MS block it.
Would I be right to assume that OpenGL is available on: Wii U, Windows PCs, Mac PCs, Linux PCs, PS4? If yes, could this mean an OpenGL game requires special attention (Direct3D renderer at the least) to run on Xbox One? I'd suspect it's yes and yes.
Would I be right to assume that Mantle is available on: Any platform of PC with a compatible AMD card, and PS4? I'd suspect yes.
I'm very interested in this. It sounds to me like MS are putting up artificial barriers, barriers which could delay release of games to Xbox One, or prevent it altogether.
DirectX is "proprietary" in the sense that MS created it and is solely responsible for making new version, but legally-speaking it's not actually exclusive to Microsoft. Anyone else can implement that same API (or parts of it) if they have sufficient motivation to do so. For instance Valve uses an "implementation" of D3D that they use on Linux, where the D3D calls are implemented using OpenGL.
Since XB1's GPU uses GCN architecture it's highly likely that most of Mantle could be made to work with its GPU, but there's not really much point in doing this outside of making porting easier for a game that already uses Mantle. If it were to happen it would be on MS to make it happen, and I don't see why they would spend time and money on it. The version of DirectX that they use on XB1 probably already provides low-level access to the hardware. That was definitely the case on the 360, where the API resembled D3D9 at a high level (and you could treat it as such if you wanted to make porting easier), but it provided extra layers of low-level access that were specifically tailored to its GPU. The same goes for OpenGL: MS could implement it if they wanted to, but there's no reason outside of making porting easier.
OpenGL is available on Mac/Windows/Linux PC's, and mobile phones/tablets. The only time its showed up on consoles was PS3 which had a stripped-down version of OpenGL available to make porting easier. However most games didn't use it, and uses the low-level API instead. PS4 has its own custom API that's tailored to the hardware.
I don't know if they've announced platforms and hardware for Mantle yet. Windows is a given, but Linux seems like a possibility as well (especially if Steam Boxes become popular). It's built around GCN, so it's probably only going to work on 7700/7800/7900-series cards, Sea Islands 8000 series cards, and the new Rx 200 line that was just announced. I very much doubt that it will show up on PS4, since they have their own API.
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