what i think is most telling about the different fanbases is that from 2006 to 2008 the ps3 got lots of hate but when the ps3 got better people forgave it for being a joke and went out and bought one.
from 2005 to today the hardcore ps3 guys hated on the 360 no matter what it delivered or did not deliver.
it seemed like back in the old days that ps3 hate was based on howaverage (or bad) the games were while 360 hate was based on emotion and personal reasons like being upset at getting stuck in 3rd place and being upset that ms would even dare to enter the console market.
I disagree. The PS3 was never a joke. People just expected it to come out from launch running. The 360 had a year head start which mean two good years of some 3rd party exclusives and for some reason people expected the PS3 to match or beat that during it's launch year. People forget how the 360 rode on PS2 multiplats it's first year.
The PS3 had some great AA games throughout it's first year. But of course MS fanboys loved to brag about their AAAE games and that's all that mattered. AA games meant the PS3 "had no games". Well now Nintendo andMS fanboys love AA games and use them to defend their library all the time. MS fanboys even stopped caring about exclusives which were big in 06 and 07 and wanna be best friends with PC fanboys to brag about their shared games.
There was no logic to any of the fanboy mess in SW and there still isn't. There is no reason to HATE any console. I may think that one console doesn't offer me much gaming wise but I far from hate it.
the ps3 was not only a running gag here in sw but everywhere. how can you not remember the sony quotes, giant enemy crab, the $600 press sitting forwards pics then stunned to silence sig pics, george forman grill pcs, haze, lair, the how you lost your brand video, ect ect ect...oh yeah btw, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACER!!!!!!!
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