That is my view entirely and I have been saying for years... but so called "PC gamers" around here are only concerned with "winning" some non-existant war. The PC hasn't had a tech pushing exclusive FPS since 2007 with Crysis. Before that we had 3 stalker games, neverwinter nights 2, far cry 1, half-life 2, doom 3, NOLF 1 and 2, Fear, Vampire Bloodlines, Soldier of fortune, return to castle wolfenstien, cod1 / 2, Quake 3, UT 2004/99 , Unreal, Quake 2, Clive Barkers Undying.....etc....
Gen 6 was loaded to the brim of "TECH Pushing" pc games. Then the 360 happened and western devs got stolen by M$ to make games for 360 and most of them died....or stayed with console. PC nowadays gets ports from console made for gamepad first.... or crappy mobas (that killed the rts genre :(
I love old school pc games like wasteland 2 and the new rpgs coming out, but I also loved PC only FPS games.... they are no longer... everything is multiplayer only (look at valve and their "We only make competitive games now" debacle" Half-life 3 is nowhere.. Carmack jumped ship to VR... CRytek is doing console engines, and xb1 exclusive kinect remapped games.... We are left with FREE 2 play games or star citizen which isn't even out yet... or warcraft 3 style mobas (god i hate those things)..
Please inform me of the pioneers of graphical games that the pc is getting... hint, there isn't any.
I play gamepad games on ps4. I would love for a tech pushing PC FPS or RTS ...but they aren't happening. I bet the next diablo will be built for console too...
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