[QUOTE="jetthrovegas"]Dear Casual gamer,
I am better than you at games. I have faster reflexes, I have more skill, I could kill you in any multiplayer shooter of your choice, anytime, anyday. I can beat System Shock 2 on the Impossible difficulty. You cannot. I can beat Resident Evil 4 on professional in 8 hours and 11 minutes. You cannot. I can play games that you do not have the skill or devotion to play. I am a better gamer than you, and I have no life.
Dear Casual games,
I will not play you. I will not play Zack and Wiki, I will not play WiiPlay, I will not play Dewy's Adventure, I will not play LBP and I will not play ****ing Viva Pinata. I am a hardcore gamer, and you casual games to not appeal to me in the slightest. And I have no life.
Dear Nintendo,
I will not buy a Wii. I will not stand on a piece of plastic and have it tell me what a fatass I am. I will not wave a plastic phallus erratically to make my game character do want I want him or her or it to do. I will not buy a system from a company that no longer thinks that I am important. I will not buy a system from a company whose biggest game at E3 was not a game at all, but rather a Fatass Accusation Device (fad).
I do not have to like or accept casual gamers, I do not have like or understand casual games. Am I close minded? Hell yes. Am I "slowing down innovation"? If innovation is a hunk of plastic that lets me know that I need to excercise, then hell yeah I am slowing down innovation.
Am I alone? Hell no! There are many gamers like me who would rather play Elder Scrolls than Dewy's Adventure.
I am not alone; I am part of a market. And Nintendo is ignoring us, and as such I will ignore them. To hell with your casual games!
I am a Hardcore gamer dammit! and I have no life
fixed for truthiness
:lol:Â something tells me he lives in his mother's basement and the only satisfaction he will ever get is out of beating random people online in UT2 all day
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