[QUOTE="_Impmacaque_"] WiiFit is a failure in its intended purpose. It's fun for a few minigames essentially, but it gets boring fast and has no real practical use as a vehicle for fitness. Anyone with even basic knowledge of body & health can see that Wiifit is pretty much an overglorified scale which you can stand on while you watch a pixelated character on screen.
I'll save you $80 and a ten pound peripheral you'll never use: spend the money on a digital scale and an excercise mat. Push-ups, yoga, "balance training", and all other gimmicks provided by that mess of a package can be done without the aid of your Wii. I promise. Is going to the gym repetitive? After a while, yes - because repeating excercises with physical resistance builds muscle, stregnth, and endurance. It's supposed to be repetitive because there are a finite number of excercises you can perform.
As someone who enjoys fitness, I tried to go into Wiifit with an open mind but found myself sorely dissapointed by the extremely limited use of an already pretty obnoxious gimmick- and a game which isn't even fun for all it's practical shortcomings. Playing Wiifit for thirty minutes a day isn't any more a cardio workout than walking in place is.
For that matter, playing Wiifit for thirty minutes a day isn't any more fun than any game is; so what's the damned point? Is it supposed to help you stay fit? Because it doesn't. Is it supposed to be fun? Because there are far better uses of $90 than this thing can ever come close.
In conclusion.. There are *way* better titles available for the Wii, and you should buy those instead.
A quick question, because you're largely wrong in your assessment. Are you overweight? I already know the answer to that question, so don't bother responding.
- OBVIOUSLY this game is NOT for people that already workout regularly
- OBVIOUSLY this game is NOT for people that are aware of their body and live a healthy lifestyle.
- OF COURSE you can do this stuff without the balance board, but people DON'T.
- OF COURSE you can exercise without the balance board, but people DON'T.
There is an element of motivation unhealthy people lack you and many others don't understand. It's incredible to me how many people miss the point. As someone who exercises regularly, you should know that any exercise is better than none, and with some of these kids, stuff like this is the only way to get them active.
You have a very solid point here - an introduction to fitness is better than nothing at all, though I wish the game were presented in a way more conducive to that purpose. I suppose my rant is fueled by own personal distaste for what I see as a far-too-expensive package given the apparent value of this accessory; it sort of reminds me of bad infomercials for gimmicky fitness products that promise far more than they can deliver.
However, if this game is targeted for people who are overweight and looking for an entry into health - it should be far more polished and thorough in both breadth and quality of games you can play. I believe there can be a somewhat effective game put together to that end, but Wiifit just isn't it.
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