Okay. Here is Jumpy's totally legit super fun happy list of games that they thought looked cool!!! :D :3 <3
In no particular order.
- Ori and the Will of The Wisp - This game looks slick. I really love the mechanics and the art direction.
- Fallout 76 - Yeah I'm always up for some more Fallout. Co-op is an interesting inclusion. Hopefully it has stronger roleplaying aspects this time around.
- Session - Been a while since there has been a good skatebording game. This looks like a successor to Skate. Nice!
- Devil May Cry 5 - Yes please! <3
- Cuphead DLC - Yes please! <3
- Jump Force - A game named after me. I'm flattered! I like Jump comics. I doubt the mechanics here will be deep but it could be a fun casual fighter with some fan-fave characters.
- Rage 2 - The kinetics of action in this game look super visceral and fast! Definitely keeping an eye out on this one.
- Prey DLC - I liked Prey last year. DLC looks fun and a unique twist on the gameplay of the base game.
- Doom Eternal - See Rage 2.
- My Friend Pedro - Like Rage 2 and DOOM, the action here looks super visceral and striking. Also the game seems really systemic and fun to mess around in.
- Hitman 2 - I have been meaning to try this franchise for the longest time. This game looks right up my street.
- Beyond Good & Evil 2 - I liked the first game. This also looks really good.
- Mario + Rabbids DLC - Like Prey, I enjoyed the base game last year and the DLC looks to add some new twists on that familiar loop. Bring it on!
- Satisfactory - This could make for quite a cool co-op experience. I am not entirely sure what you are working towards but the inventions look great and quite impressive in terms of scale.
- Neo Cab - Not usually my kind of thing but this looks quite interesting. I like a bit of a mystery. ;)
- Forgotten City - This might sound more interesting than it actually is but the concept reminds me of Ghost Trick or Sexy Brutale.
- Sekiro - I don't actually know how it will distinguish itself from its contemporaries yet but I am interested to see what it looks like.
- Yakuza for PC woo.
- Ooblets - This came looks so cute! I love therapeutic sim games like Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. This game looks right up my street!
- The Last of Us Part II - Yeah bring it on! Changes made to the damage system could shake things up quite a bit and add to the desperation for survival.
- Control - The action looks quite fun in this game. Seems you can really play around with the environments and create all kinds of inventive solutions in combat.
- Resident Evil 2 Remake - I wet myself.
- Nioh 2 - I wet myself again.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Great to finally see a HD Fire Emblem game and it looks very good. I need to look at this trailer as I didn't grasp some of the new systems shown off. Looks very interesting.
- Overcooked 2 - Yeah man! Overcooked is a gem. Super fun game. Glad the new game has online co-op! Bring it on.
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - It looks good. No word yet on the more intricate systems of the game. Looking forward to playing it.

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