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Nope. People will still want moar pretty exploshuns in their generic brown shooter in the middle east.
People may be laughing at the Wii-U now, but I bet they're gonna like it once they try it out for themselves.
Except that there is another leap about to come that even hermits havn't experienced yet. being "HD" isn't the end of graphics debate, graphics still have a long way to go as the Epic, Square Enix and Crytek demos for upcoming next gen games have showed.
Not, disagreeing with you on designing games being important but your "HD Leap" being over to have devs re-concentrate on game development argument is off.
I understand what your saying and I agree in some ways. Its just that I don't want to have to wait until we get photo realistic games before we start getting a truly engaging experiences. If anything I think devs should focus more on creating "ageless" art styles, games that no matter how old they get are still enjoyable. I find that a lot of games in this era of gaming will eventually age real bad when devs are forced to really bring out more love and passion to their development.Except that there is another leap about to come that even hermits havn't experienced yet. being "HD" isn't the end of graphics debate, graphics still have a long way to go as the Epic, Square Enix and Crytek demos for upcoming next gen games have showed.
Not, disagreeing with you on designing games being important but your "HD Leap" being over to have devs re-concentrate on game development argument is off.
You think this gen was bad for an emphasis on visuals. Wait till next gen and it will be even worse. But let's hope there are the few devs that actually make awesome games to match the visuals
For consoles, the HD leap is far from over, many console games still run under 720p HD (BF3, MW3, Red Dead Redemption just to name some off the top of my head) mostly because consoles are pathetic.
[QUOTE="casharmy"]I understand what your saying and I agree in some ways. Its just that I don't want to have to wait until we get photo realistic games before we start getting a truly engaging experiences. If anything I think devs should focus more on creating "ageless" art styles. games that no matter how old they get are still enjoyable. I find that a lot of games in this era of gaming will eventually age real bad when devs are forced to really bring out more earth to their development.Except that there is another leap about to come that even hermits havn't experienced yet. being "HD" isn't the end of graphics debate, graphics still have a long way to go as the Epic, Square Enix and Crytek demos for upcoming next gen games have showed.
Not, disagreeing with you on designing games being important but your "HD Leap" being over to have devs re-concentrate on game development argument is off.
I completely agree with everything you are saying here.
I actually didn't get any worthwhile or enjoyable game experiences this gen until 2009. That is the reason why so many feel this gen has been so short but can not put their finger on's because there haven't been any real great gaming experiences until just the last year or two.
HD leap might be over but next gen we have 4D!!!!DuckyindianaWe have had 4D for the past three gens.
I understand what your saying and I agree in some ways. Its just that I don't want to have to wait until we get photo realistic games before we start getting a truly engaging experiences. If anything I think devs should focus more on creating "ageless" art styles. games that no matter how old they get are still enjoyable. I find that a lot of games in this era of gaming will eventually age real bad when devs are forced to really bring out more earth to their development.[QUOTE="Voyant"][QUOTE="casharmy"]
Except that there is another leap about to come that even hermits havn't experienced yet. being "HD" isn't the end of graphics debate, graphics still have a long way to go as the Epic, Square Enix and Crytek demos for upcoming next gen games have showed.
Not, disagreeing with you on designing games being important but your "HD Leap" being over to have devs re-concentrate on game development argument is off.
I completely agree with everything you are saying here.
I actually didn't get any worthwhile or enjoyable game experiences this gen until 2009. That is the reason why so many feel this gen has been so short but can not put their finger on's because there haven't been any real great gaming experiences until just the last year or two.
Yup. We are already seeing a bit of what I mentioned like Dues EX: HR are great examples of making a more enjoyable experiences in a game...which personally trumps a lot of other games in terms of delivery. I also like that Crysis 2 was a huge eye opener to a lot of people...the game's gameplay was just...mediocre. Regardless of how good the game looked...people noticed its major flaws which speaks a lot. Hopefully this mentality sticks coming into next gen.Resolution is only one of many variables when considering a games graphics.
We still have shaders, textures, particle effects, tessellation, lighting, post-processing, smoke effects, polygons, character models etc..
Console still has much to reach, like 1080pp or evnen higher resolutions, maybe quatro HD. Also new engines will alow for even better graphics :)
[QUOTE="casharmy"][QUOTE="Voyant"] I understand what your saying and I agree in some ways. Its just that I don't want to have to wait until we get photo realistic games before we start getting a truly engaging experiences. If anything I think devs should focus more on creating "ageless" art styles. games that no matter how old they get are still enjoyable. I find that a lot of games in this era of gaming will eventually age real bad when devs are forced to really bring out more earth to their development.Voyant
I completely agree with everything you are saying here.
I actually didn't get any worthwhile or enjoyable game experiences this gen until 2009. That is the reason why so many feel this gen has been so short but can not put their finger on's because there haven't been any real great gaming experiences until just the last year or two.
Yup. We are already seeing a bit of what I mentioned like Dues EX: HR are great examples of making a more enjoyable experiences in a game...which personally trumps a lot of other games in terms of delivery. I also like that Crysis 2 was a huge eye opener to a lot of people...the game's gameplay was just...mediocre. Regardless of how good the game looked...people noticed its major flaws which speaks a lot. Hopefully this mentality sticks coming into next gen. Except game developers who make games for the wii still had trouble innovating enough to make truly unique and fun experiences for gamers. I think gamers may just have gotten used to the way games are now and change scares them, or isn't fun, and this scares developers since they need sales to make up for the cost of development. Indy games work, but most great indy develoeprs have one hit games and some shovelware after.Resolution is only one of many variables when considering a games graphics.
We still have shaders, textures, particle effects, tessellation, lighting, post-processing, smoke effects, polygons, character models etc..
True,but resolution is by far the most important aspect of technical graphics,that defines how clean the game will look...
Without a good resolution,the game will be blury,and many of the variables above won't be able to stand out...
Here's a good example of what I'm talking about,notice how blury the 360 version of Alan Wake looks compared to the PC version,due to much lower resolution,that is even sub-720p,IIRC:
Don't forget to watch in 1080p...
Gaming has been exactly as much about graphics as it is now for the past 20 years.
Personally I'm satisified with the balance between gameplay and tech. The only problem is that the new consoles are coming a few years too late, and now we have all these stopgap sequels making the industry look stagnant.
I thought games on consoles where just upscaled? HD hasn't even begun if this is to be true. chaoz-king
There are really only a handful of games that play naively at 1080.
I couldn't honestly care less if games look pretty if they dont run at 1080 @60fps.
Yeah gamers only cared about graphics THIS gen. They didn't rave about Super Mario 64 and such coming out. They didn't have their minds blown when Metroid Prime and RE4 came out either.
Being a graphics whore (as I am myself :P) is nothing new. Of course, amazing graphics don't make a bad game good, but they do enhance the experience.
...And most importantly, a high framerateResolution is only one of many variables when considering a games graphics.
We still have shaders, textures, particle effects, tessellation, lighting, post-processing, smoke effects, polygons, character models etc..
Hopefully gamers are a lot more strict with games instead of being wowed with pretty graphics.VoyantThat's pretty funny hoping. Ha ha ha ha ha ha *sigh*
Voyant... :lol:
Thread translation: Nintendo's new console didn't show anything drastically better than current hardware and I'm so butt hurt by this that until the next Sony and Microsoft consoles come out I'm going to preach that graphics don't matter and that there's no way in hell that the coming consoles could be any more of a leap that the WiiU.
This is what the guy said before the WiiU was shown:
Anything under 1080P is technically Sub HD anyway. When the Wii U starts pumping out 1080P games its going to make anything else done on recent consoles look like crap.Voyant
This and every graphics thread is nothing but fanboy butt hurt.
IDK, thanks to the Wii, I also appreciate the physics and a.i. HD consoles can handle just as much this gen.
I think people really take that stuff for granted.
Voyant... :lol:
Thread translation: Nintendo's new console didn't show anything drastically better than current hardware and I'm so butt hurt by this that until the next Sony and Microsoft consoles come out I'm going to preach that graphics don't matter and that there's no way in hell that the coming consoles could be any more of a leap that the WiiU.
This is what the guy said before the WiiU was shown:
[QUOTE="Voyant"]Anything under 1080P is technically Sub HD anyway. When the Wii U starts pumping out 1080P games its going to make anything else done on recent consoles look like crap.Grey_Eyed_Elf
This and every graphics thread is nothing but fanboy butt hurt.
Hopefully gamers are a lot more strict with games instead of being wowed with pretty graphics. I think devs in general need to start being more creative and coming up with new ways to engage players. This gen was honestly mostly about who could make the prettiest game. I trust that next gen gamers are less impressed by pixels and long for a better experience. Edit: Title change due to the last one being misleading.Voyantstill not 1080p 60 fps with proper AA
considering many games on PS3 & 360 were subHD, i think the leap to HD has yet to properly start :)
Am sure once Sony & MS launch their consoles, these boards will be filled with threads related to visuals and which new console is the best !!! or any other crap. Sure I like a good looking game, but its not that important to me.
SOme of you here act like you cant play anything in the world do you learn to appreciate games or gaming roots if you dont play older games? Does ms pacman or donkey kong make your eyes bleed that bad? OR NES games?? How about Halo ce for xbox?? SUper Monkey Ball for GC??...RE for PS1..get over it..
Give me a console that lasts, has bc, cheaper games, cheaper hardware prices,...get over the graphics s&*(t or any other crap.
me too. I know I could...cause I care a ton! :) or any other crap. Sure I like a good looking game, but its not that important to me.
SOme of you here act like you cant play anything in the world do you learn to appreciate games or gaming roots if you dont play older games? Does ms pacman or donkey kong make your eyes bleed that bad? OR NES games?? How about Halo ce for xbox?? SUper Monkey Ball for GC??...RE for PS1..get over it..Give me a console that lasts, has bc, cheaper games, cheaper hardware prices,...get over the graphics s&*(t
high resolution and AA are important. It's better than high res texture cramped in low screen resolution, makes everything look like crap.
[QUOTE="VanDammFan"] or any other crap. Sure I like a good looking game, but its not that important to me.
SOme of you here act like you cant play anything in the world do you learn to appreciate games or gaming roots if you dont play older games? Does ms pacman or donkey kong make your eyes bleed that bad? OR NES games?? How about Halo ce for xbox?? SUper Monkey Ball for GC??...RE for PS1..get over it..Give me a console that lasts, has bc, cheaper games, cheaper hardware prices,...get over the graphics s&*(t
high resolution and AA are important. It's better than high res texture cramped in low screen resolution, makes everything look like crap.
funny many of these high res,AA games are going to be remembered 100 years down the road? I said nice graphics are nice. BUT dont make a game better. I can sit and play Mario "nes" just as easy as I can sit and play modded Skyrim "pc"..OR..I can play Altered Beast "genesis" as well as I can play God OF War "ps3" just dont matter to an honest real gamer...I know its a fight that will go on and on so nothing I can do, but express my feelings towards it.
as a little comparrison....Avatar looks brilliant compared to the original Star Wars..BUT which one will live longer? WHich one has the more dedicated fanbase? Sometimes visuals dont mean a thing..ALTHOUGH I do think SW holds up quite well even today.
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