Vita is 60k? That seems... high.
Tc read the #'s I posted wrong. Thats the Wii's #'s.
Vita did less than 50k. Worst month so far for Vita's NPD.
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Vita is 60k? That seems... high.
Tc read the #'s I posted wrong. Thats the Wii's #'s.
Vita did less than 50k. Worst month so far for Vita's NPD.
Vita is 60k? That seems... high.
Tc read the #'s I posted wrong. Thats the Wii's #'s.
Vita did less than 50k. Worst month so far for Vita's NPD.
I need to trust my gut feeling more lol, yeah 63k seemed abit off.
I don't think Sony has what it takes to turn PSV around, the financial hit they would take to salvage it (initiate partnerships to garner 3rd party support, marketing budget, $80 pricecut on Vita, lower the price of memory cards, redirect teams working on PS4 projects to Vita)... it's yeah
OOF...sub 50 K for vita...doing almost the same numbers as Japan, a much smaller market and where it is considered a massive flop already .....15 DJ's a spinnin' can't save this one....Is sony even relevant anymore
Vita is 60k? That seems... high.
Tc read the #'s I posted wrong. Thats the Wii's #'s.
Vita did less than 50k. Worst month so far for Vita's NPD.
I need to trust my gut feeling more lol, yeah 63k seemed abit off.
I don't think Sony has what it takes to turn PSV around, the financial hit they would take to salvage it (initiate partnerships to garner 3rd party support, marketing budget, $80 pricecut on Vita, lower the price of memory cards, redirect teams working on PS4 projects to Vita)... it's yeah
Did anyone honestly think the Vita was going to be a success? I called it as soon as it was announced. Sony is so awful at advertising and selling the crazy things they release.
And what exactly are NYC residents buying from "next gen"? If you say the PS3 I'll LOL to oblivion.360 sells mostly in the flyover states. Here in NYC nobody still messes with that last gen trash.
Called it earlier this week ...cows have magically vanished just as i predicted
Are they called cows cause they get slaughtered and eaten by the American market regularly? :oops:
Hope you're enjoying your Commodore 64360 sells mostly in the flyover states. Here in NYC nobody still messes with that last gen trash.
that's actually from a 3ds game in japan. Senran kagura. A beat em up with loads of fanservice
Wtf happened to this place while I was banned. First Pony's and now this %$#@?:|
[QUOTE="spiderluck"]No shiit. Where are they? This isn't fun without cows. Maybe we should go out and each buy an extra ps3....We could then laugh at each otherCalled it earlier this week ...cows have magically vanished just as i predicted
[QUOTE="todd2r"][QUOTE="spiderluck"]No shiit. Where are they? This isn't fun without cows. Maybe we should go out and each buy an extra ps3....We could then laugh at each otherCalled it earlier this week ...cows have magically vanished just as i predicted
You wish you had enough money to buy a PS3:lol:
I would normally take this time to remind cows that the Xbox 360 has destroyed the epic fail that is ps3 17 months in a row, but I'm going to make a different statement. The ps3 and 360 need price drops ASAP. Sales are going down the crapper. 6-7 years into this gen and we still have premium consoles that cost 250-300. They should all be 149 by now. The high price is bringing down the industry. todd2rAgreed, we shouldsee $150 PS3s and Xbox 360s soon. $300? HAHAHAAHAH yeah, ok.
the 360 outsold the PS3 and VIta Combined!Mkavanaugh77you mean it outsold the psfamily? no wai, the ps family beats everything.. :lol:
I would normally take this time to remind cows that the Xbox 360 has destroyed the epic fail that is ps3 17 months in a row, but I'm going to make a different statement. The ps3 and 360 need price drops ASAP. Sales are going down the crapper. 6-7 years into this gen and we still have premium consoles that cost 250-300. They should all be 149 by now. The high price is bringing down the industry. todd2r
Totally this. A $100 price drop could do wonders for the sales of these rapidly aging machines.
wow i cant believe my eyes ds and 3ds mopping the floor with the vita ds is far from doomed in this corner lol
outselling xbox360 if we combined the two , plus wii what ever those numbers are nintendo is number one as usual ,
and i cant believe people who want nintendo to kill ds off
that ds is not hurting them its helping them think about this ,, ,
ds could be used for cheap in expensive games and some big ones,
3ds can have all the heavy hitters , as well as some in expensive ones
and lol if this continues it doesn't look good on paper for sony!
3ds sales -155 ds sales 155k , what is vitas again 64 k , l ol again ds and 3ds out sold vita by 2 to 1 !
a sign of bad things to come , and japan is worst for vita the 3ds is outselling it by 10 to 1 one time i remember it outselling it 100 to 1 lol
Theatrhythm did 6 times what Rhythm Thief did, and did twice what Heroes of Ruin did. Since no individual SKU did more than 88k, we can deduce that Rhythm Thief and Heroes of Ruin bombed.
I will be the first to say, as a US citizen, we got some BAD taste. :xbbkkristianSpeak for yourself, we Americans have great tastes. Why do you think half the world is always copying us?
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]PS3 > 360 > WiiNot bad but nothing interesting in that list
How is that not interesting? :p
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
Superior versions of third party games? Better controller?
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
Superior versions of third party games? - Particularly true. But PC versions are the top.
Better controller? - Not true. It's horrible.
obviously they do. even with free online, the ps3 cannot compete.[QUOTE="GamerwillzPS"]
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
most multiplats are superior on 360, the controller is much better suited to the majority of games, the online service is better (even though its at a premium).
It's true that the 360 is the strongest when it comes to multiplats. That's it. Nothing else.
Xbox Live fees completely takes away a good reason to purchase the console, nobody wants to pay for a service that is free else where and is as good. Xbox Live is not better than other services. They're the same.
Better controller? Hell no. It's probably the worst controller to ever exist.
obviously they do. even with free online, the ps3 cannot compete.[QUOTE="sts106mat"]
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
most multiplats are superior on 360, the controller is much better suited to the majority of games, the online service is better (even though its at a premium).
It's true that the 360 is the strongest when it comes to multiplats. That's it. Nothing else.
Xbox Live fees completely takes away a good reason to purchase the console, nobody wants to pay for a service that is free else where and is as good. Xbox Live is not better than other services. They're the same.
Better controller? Hell no. It's probably the worst controller to ever exist.
What do you mean thats it? Multiplats take up the majority fo every consoles library, and the fact that the 360 excells in that area proves it has the superior library to the PS3. Thats a pretty good reason to own a console if you ask me.
Xbox Live isn't available elsewhere for free. PSN is free, but its dogshlt in comparison. If you're happy with your third world online, then fine. I prefer to use a service thats unified, allows me to communicate with my friends in ways other services lack, and a service that isn't taken down basically every fuking thiursday for maintenance.
And its a fact that the 360 controller is better ergonomically. The dualshock is outdated in design, its pathetic fanboys will defend something so lazy.
Well obviously most people think the PS3 is the worst system hence the PS3 being in last place since 2006 when it launched. Also why lie about the games things when you even know the PS3 has the least amount of games of all systems.Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
Superior versions of third party games? Better controller?
No actually is the $199 core that does it.[QUOTE="GamerwillzPS"]Well obviously most people think the PS3 is the worst system hence the PS3 being in last place since 2006 when it launched. Also why lie about the games things when you even know the PS3 has the least amount of games of all systems. Please MS is on a distant second from first place almost tied with the Got to love fan boys who actually think that 67 million is actually worth bragging over 64 million,i guess that after been with the same game for 3 years now in recycle mod had really affect some people judgement,but then i remember is you.. The PS3 is doing 100 times better in US than MS is doing in Japan,were the past few weeks even the PS2 out sold the 360.. 70K advantage is nothing when in Japan that get neutralize because the 360 sell 4K a month and the PS3 like 80K,further more in EU the PS3 is also stronger,i guess that explain why from a 10 million head start and with a huge fail rate that has make many people re buy a 360,they are 2+ millions ahead.Never understood why the Xbox is selling more. Do people really want to pay for XBL and having no games except Halo, Gears and Forza?! :|
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