Except my rig has been more than adequate for 3 years.... In fact, I'm still literally maxing all games at 1920*1080 with high levels of AA. Ubersampling in TW2 is the exception but that's because it's literally SSAA.....
Edit: I realize that 460 is'nt that old but it's actually a little slower than the 285 I had and I'm not really sure my second 460 is really providing me with much but E-peen, all things considered. Well, I have a hard time not experiencing 60 fps now, but that's hardly a good thing ;)
The same could be said of consoles. I know plenty of people who are perfectly happy with the PS3 and 360, which 7 years after the beginning of this gen, still play most games at "more than adequate" settings
Thing is.. I'm playing at twice the resolution and twice the framerate.... What consoles have going for them is that the consumers don't know any better. This is'nt exclusive to SLI rigs like mine either... I'm way overkill for most games apart from the permanent 8xTransparency AA and max gfx quality I have enabled on a driver level.
Edit: That means 1920*1080, V-Sync and significant AA levels.
If you're a PC gamer, you know it's never as simple as "16xAA".....
You missed the point. There is a large difference, but it's overall effect is diminished because most console players don't care.
I played Oblivion on the 360, and modded to high hell on the PC. The difference is night and day, but honestly, it's not that important to me. A game is much more than the sum of it's parts, and I feel like the graphical part of many games is significatly overhyped. I'm able to immerse myself in Minecraft far more than I am able to immerse myself in Oblivion and the Witcher, or something like GTA. Amensia absolutely trounces every blockbuster I've played this gen in terms of atmosphere (Will work up the courage to start playing again eventually though :P) and it's really not doing anything fancy on the graphics front.
I move from the PC, to 360, to Wii and DS frequently. And not once have I ever seen graphics as being a major choice in what game I'm going to play. Monster Hunter Tri looks like vaseline, but I find it infinitely more enjoyable than Fable and the first Witcher. I still think AoM is a better RTS than something like King Arthur (Not to diminish King Arthur: The Wargame though. Seriously is an awesome RTS in the vein of the Total War Series, but with magic and roleplaying)
So to reiterate, most people are perfectly happy with their consoles. Which play at "more than adequate" settings; adequate here being a subjective value defined
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