It's only fitting that the fiasco that is the XBone comes full circle. About a year ago, MS decided to head in a different direction than gamers. They can talk all the talk they can possibly talk about being about games now, but that's irrespective of the reality that the machine simply isn't designed with that purpose.
Of course the usual suspect Lems come into this thread like moths to a bug zapper to run their same tired as **** line about driver updates/DX12/Secret Sauce because the cold honest truth of the matter is that it's these same hand full of soppy wank rags that decided to ignore MS when they were talking about becoming a general entertainment brand and not targeting high end gaming performance. Here and here you have it straight from the dragon's mouth that this new XBox is not designed or built with the same purpose in mind that the PS4 is.
But the same song and dance continues irrespective of reality. For a while there, it seemed like I was getting through to the Lems who were accepting that they were getting a general entertainment console bundled with a voice and gesture control mechanism. Sadly, that didn't last long and we have the same circle of inane bullshit coming from the Lems ad nauseum. The kiddy gloves are off, now. As PS4 sales continue to outpace the XBone, developers are not going to have as much incentive to give XBone the benefit of the doubt. This isn't the end of the argument, because some people just won't drop the subject.
This is only the beginning. Very soon, the games will do all the talking and developer interviews will only be confirming the painfully obvious to everyone but these La-La Land posting Lems. The PS4 isn't just the better machine. It is the much better machine. Here's a little bombshell for you.. XBone won't do VR. It honestly doesn't have the resources available to be in the same league as Morpheus. That's the word behind the curtain these days. If they buckle under pressure and press forward with their VR, expect it to look like ass.
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