Tough :P
Going with Xbox 360 as i owned it.
I'm going with the OG Xbox.
Panzer Dragon
Jet Set
Halo 1/2
Crimson Skies
Rallisport Challenge 2
Need For Speed - Underground
Mech Assault
Steel Batallion
Brute Force
Project Gotham
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition
Burnout 3
Jade Empire
Kotor 1/2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Chaos Theory
just to name a few.
360 will win this thread though because Xbox didn't sell that many units and not many people had Xbox Live during it's time span.
A lot of the Xbox games were console exclusives whereas I can play like 90% of the 360 games on my PC and on top of that the 360 was literally 80-90% gray/brown shooters or just flat out shooters in general.
The OG had a lot more variety on the games front and was the last time MS actually had their own in house games en masse.
360 started off strong (dat Gears of War) but fizzled out (around 2008) into a Gears Halo Forza machine.
Well the 360 can play most of the popular OG games. Soooooooooooo. Unless you just want to compare the games themselves. 360 probably still wins though.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
The OG Xbox kinda carried the torch for the Dreamcast. The 360 did as well but that damn thing overheated so much it's tough to vote it as the best of anything.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Both were great consoles, but I'd have to go with the original Xbox. Such an underrated console I think.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
And like I said, that cable is over $200 and extremely hard to find, it costs seven times as much as the console itself.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
And like I said, that cable is over $200 and extremely hard to find, it costs seven times as much as the console itself.
Think you are mistaken, the HDMI add-on is a fan made mod coming from a site called The cable it self it will cost $70 and render the $200 component cable obsolete.
The HDMI cable will connect to the digital port and on the other end it will have a HDMI connector instead of RCA's.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
And like I said, that cable is over $200 and extremely hard to find, it costs seven times as much as the console itself.
Think you are mistaken, the HDMI add-on is a fan made mod coming from a site called The cable it self it will cost $70 and render the $200 component cable obsolete.
The HDMI cable will connect to the digital port and on the other end it will have a HDMI connector instead of RCA's.
I don't care about a mod, I'm talking about realistic things here for a console as it is, I could mod an HDMI connection into a fucking GameBoy, the point is the system as it actually exists requires a $200+ proprietary cable to output through component and achieve 480p.
In terms of the sheer number of good games, controller and features, the 360.
In terms of exclusives, the Xbox.
As much as I like the Xbox 360, I'm gonna go with the OG Xbox because of Halo: Combat Evolve and Halo 2 were at there primes. Not just because of Halo, other games I totally enjoy (and still hold today's standards) are Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ninja Gaiden Black, Soul Calibur 2 that feature Spawn, Blinx the time Sweeper, Avent Rising, and so much more. Original Xbox was a great console when MS was still new to the gaming industries at it's time and Halo: CE carried the Xbox name despite it was a console exclusive giving the fact it was on PC and since I didn't own PC at the time, owning a Xbox made you feel like I had a PC. Did I also mention playing DOOM 3 was a huge blast in terms of graphics at it's time? Really enjoy DOOM 3 on Xbox.
Both were great systems, but the OG xbox was probably the most innovative console made. way ahead of it's time. Built in broadband, a real OS, could even rip music to it to play in games (something you can't do on an X1 or PS4), built in hard drive, Nvidea graphics chip (when other consoles were still measured in bits) XBL (first online network for consoles) First console to allow downloading of games. It was the gateway to the modern console. SO i'd have to give it to the OG xbox for that alone. The 360 improved on everything the OG xbox started, but the OG xbox was the most advanced console for it's time in a way we will never see again.
The way that 360 encouraged me to get online and play was awesome. I freakin loved 1vs100 live. It was like a must be home for event.
I never was an online gamer but met so many cool people over the years on LIVE, and had a lot of laughs. The 360 really opened that up for me.
For it's time I think the OG Xbox was way better. Halo amazed me as did Morrowind, KOTOR, Hunter: The Reckoning, etc. We had LAN parties almost every weekend for Halo 2!
OG Xbox by far.
Not even trying to make an argument that it's the best Xbox, but to me it was the shit.
Multiplats were so good that it made the competitions offerings look worthless in some cases. Some damn great exclusives, including one of my all time favorite games, Ninja Gaiden Black. It did well with games and genres that usually wouldn't see the light of day outside of a PC. Xbox Live was a premier experience compared to the competitions ghetto offerings.
If you didn't own an Xbox during gen 6 then you were missing the **** out. Of course the same can be said of the PS2 and the Gamecube.
360? Yeah, you needed that for the first half of gen 7, afterwards it was just meh.
I can't even find a reason to own the Xbone yet.
@indzman: Xbox 1 OG vs. Xbox 360?
That's a toughie, as the Xbox 1 was a classic in that it introduced us all to Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Phantom Dust, Halo 2, Otogi, etc. It did multiplats better and got some good PC ports (DOOM 3, KOTOR, etc).
On the flip side, it had a shorter life and I never felt it's identity shine as the 360 did, but I did enjoy it back in the day. I got hit with RROD 3 times, and E74 once on 360, that definitely sucked though.
It's a tough vote, and while the 360 did disappoint in it's second half of it's life with it's gaming offerings, I still vote 360. It's Tuesday though, if you ask me this on Wednesday, I could have voted Xbox 1 OG. It's a flip of the coin for me.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
It wasn't $200 when I bought the official Nintendo component cables, and since I have two gamecubes, I still have two official component cables for my GCs that I bought back when the GC was new.
I was all about getting away from regular AV cables ASAP when I bought my PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
It wasn't $200 when I bought the official Nintendo component cables, and since I have two gamecubes, I still have two official component cables for my GCs that I bought back when the GC was new.
I was all about getting away from regular AV cables ASAP when I bought my PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox.
Check this out.
I had both and I'll go with the 360 because the 360 is the reason why the Xbox brand became a house hold name. It stole the market share from the other 2 big gaming companies and made it known that it's here to stay. Till this day, there are 360 gems that I'm playing for the first time on the Xbox One thanks to the free backward compatibility. The original Xbox was a great start but the 360 did all the heavy lifting and the bigger reason why the Xbox brand is more recognized.
Actually, neither the GC nor the OG XBox introduced these outputs - the Dreamcast had native 480p output via VGA, without any modification. The PS2 supported 1080i via component cable. Therefore, I'm not sure why 480p or 1080i are in and of themselves supposed to resolve a conflict between GC and OG XBox
OG xbox because i never felt that the console was outdated. Maybe its because MS killed it in 4 years, dunno.
Even by today's standard's it's basically the only "retro" console you can go back to that doesn't actually come off as old in terms of its capabilities.
How does the Gamecube come off as retro when every game supports 480p (with SwissGC)?
Heck, its controller is still used today and Melee is going strong on the competitive scene.
RE4, Prime, and TP were also as good looking as Xbox's best looking games too.
The GameCube supports 480p with a $200+ proprietary cable that is extremely hard to find, the original Xbox did 480p, 720p and 1080i, not to mention it was more powerful.
Only console with fully digital output that gen.
Never owned the OG Xbox, had a PS2 at the time. I remember playing Halo at some friends' regularly though. I was satisfied enough with the PS2, I usually stick with 1 console per gen because I barely have time to play games on 1, let alone more.....I almost bought it though just because of Halo, but I remember playing it on PC as well.
I didn't vote but I still think the 360 was more well rounded because it launched with heavy emphasis for online, and provided blockbuster games that took advantage of that such as Gears of War and Forza. I don't remember as many online offerings for the OG Xbox, but I could be wrong. It seems to have more of the single player gems though, but then again the 360 had XBLA which I absolutely adored.
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