OG. Back before it was "DudeBro'
OG Xbox. it had shenmue 2, jet set radio future, panzer dragon, mechassault 2: lone wolf, brute force and blood wake
I'm going with the OG Xbox.
Panzer Dragon
Jet Set
Halo 1/2
Crimson Skies
Rallisport Challenge 2
Need For Speed - Underground
Mech Assault
Steel Batallion
Brute Force
Project Gotham
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition
Burnout 3
Jade Empire
Kotor 1/2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Chaos Theory
just to name a few.
360 will win this thread though because Xbox didn't sell that many units and not many people had Xbox Live during it's time span.
A lot of the Xbox games were console exclusives whereas I can play like 90% of the 360 games on my PC and on top of that the 360 was literally 80-90% gray/brown shooters or just flat out shooters in general.
The OG had a lot more variety on the games front and was the last time MS actually had their own in house games en masse.
360 started off strong (dat Gears of War) but fizzled out (around 2008) into a Gears Halo Forza machine.
Nailed it!
You did the work for me, OG xbox was a way, WAY better system than 360 which turned out to pretty much be a useless multiplat box in the end only good playing Forza.
OG Xbox. Halo 2, Ninja Gaiden Black and Jade Empire were the best exclusives M$ ever had.
Don't for get Blinx The Time Sweeper, Otogi, Out law golf, NFL Fever, Phantom Dust, MechAssault, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, Elders Scrolls III Morrowind, Star Wars KOTR...so much diversity with the OG it's comical people even think 360's repetitive and slim selection of exclusives is even a comparison
OG Xbox. Halo 2, Ninja Gaiden Black and Jade Empire were the best exclusives M$ ever had.
Don't for get Blinx The Time Sweeper, Otogi, Out law golf, NFL Fever, Phantom Dust, MechAssault, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, Elders Scrolls III Morrowind, Star Wars KOTR...so much diversity with the OG it's comical people even think 360's repetitive and slim selection of exclusives is even a comparison
360's exclusive lineup was almost nonexistent. Especially after Kinect was released. If any console ever sold on the backs of multiplats it was 360. I'd argue even the Xbone has a more diverse lineup than 360.
The original Xbox, after experiencing Forza for the first time there was no turning back lol. Add games like Rallisport Challenge 1 & 2, Jade Empire, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR 1 & 2, Armed & Dangerous, Outlaw Golf, Crimson Skies, Sega GT, Shenmue 2, PGR 1 & 2 among many, many others the Xbox was boss.
Still love the 360, but that gen felt like devs were just trying to rip gamers off by taking content out and selling it as DLC. This gen is even a bigger rort, now they're trying to sell you remastered games or charging you to rent games from last gen.
OG Xbox. Halo 2, Ninja Gaiden Black and Jade Empire were the best exclusives M$ ever had.
Don't for get Blinx The Time Sweeper, Otogi, Out law golf, NFL Fever, Phantom Dust, MechAssault, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, Elders Scrolls III Morrowind, Star Wars KOTR...so much diversity with the OG it's comical people even think 360's repetitive and slim selection of exclusives is even a comparison
360's exclusive lineup was almost nonexistent. Especially after Kinect was released. If any console ever sold on the backs of multiplats it was 360. I'd argue even the Xbone has a more diverse lineup than 360.
They both kinda suck either way bruv
Xbox all day long. Incredible console for its time and XBL was better than playing PC games online in many ways. There are also a lot of exclusives that go unnoticed and the console in general does too (partly down to no emulator on PC).
The OG Xbox had more quirky unsung classics, but the 360 had a much bigger and better library overall.
Xbox. Both are great consoles, but the original was more revolutionary at the time and had more great exclusives. Especially Halo was huge back in the day and revolutionary for console gaming. 360 relied more on its online I think. But XBOX really had some amazing games from a variety of genres.
360's exclusive lineup was almost nonexistent. Especially after Kinect was released. If any console ever sold on the backs of multiplats it was 360. I'd argue even the Xbone has a more diverse lineup than 360.
I don't agree with this statement at all. Even more so with your Xbox One statement.
Here are some games that are on the Xbox 360 but not on PS3 or Wii. (For purposes of this list PC is omitted, not because "lol PC don't count", but to give you an idea that these are games you can get with the 360 alone.)
and that's where I'll leave it off. The Xbox 360 had a pretty diverse library and showed that Microsoft REALLY tried to get people to get an Xbox 360, unlike the Xbox One. I didn't bother listing Digital Exclusives either, and we should also keep in mind of games that were exclusive to the Xbox 360 for the longest time. For example: Mass Effect. Currently there is no Physical edition of Mass Effect 1 for the PS3 unless you buy the entire trilogy pack, The Reason being for a long time Mass Effect was 360 only and was on Xbox 360 first. I didn't list it though cause It's on PS3.
*Games that are also on PC
** Also on Wii, but it feels like a completely different game
*** for some reason Amazon has the Wii version listed with this title, but looking closely that's a sequel, so exclusive?
**** Tales of Vesperia has a PS3 version, but it's not translated in English and it's Japanese only.
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