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Disc Swapping- 5 seconds
Updating - 1 minute
So yeah, I can agree. Though you are SOL if you lose a disc.
Although I don't know anyone could lose a disc.
I dont find disk swapping annoying in the slightest myself
i dont agree. disc swapping is so last gen **
Waiting ages to play the game is even more last gen though
As long as you put your discs back in the case you can bet the disc will be safe. On disc swapping. I for one have never had a problem with disc swapping as it takes..what 5 seconds? The truth is it's what fanboys use to bash the other platform and find a weakness to harp on about.
The thing is that bashing a system for diskswapping, only makes it look a million times better, since if this is its only big problem, must be the perfect system
Considering disk swapping is not a problem at all
Also if someone is going to loose a disk, can loose any disk, even the one disk in one disk games, i dont see how it is worst in a multi disk game
PS3 updates are null when you can download the update from the internet and just plug in a stick to install it. Also I have my PS3 connected via a ethernet and game updates don't take that long. I admit, they're a little longer than 360 games, and I have that one connected via Wi-Fi, and those are almost instant for the most part, but since my PS3 is also connected via Ethernet now, it's not too big a problem.
I know not everyone has that option, but it doesn't matter to me. :P
Updating on the PS3 is terrible.
Sometimes it's quicker for me to download a game off Steam and play, than it is to chuck a game in my PS3 and play.
As a PC gamer, I agree, they are both annoying. Guess I'll stay a PC gamer. :PDragonfireXZ95
I find the PC installation that take forever a million times more annoying than swaping a disk for 5 seconds
If i count in DRM, then consoles seem like heaven
If i add updates, need for new windows, game breaking bugs most PC games come with etc, consoles seem the only place i would game and that is what i do too
BTW, the only way Blizzard is going to see my money for Diablo 3, is with a playable offline console version, they have to be kidding if they think i will be force to play online, that would only work if Diablo was the only game around, i would rather play Dark SOuls for a millionth time than be force to play online anything
Gamers are extremely spoiled these days...If I had to swap 30 disks while playing great game 10 years ago I would do it in matter of seconds, with smile on my face. If I had to update system so I can get things to work faster/better I would gladly do it. Whining about those things is stupid IMO.
Omg this reminds me of when i first got doom... on 10 disks.... lmao i feel so old..!!
Man, I haven't gone online with the PS3 in over a year. I will test it out later. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]As a PC gamer, I agree, they are both annoying. Guess I'll stay a PC gamer. :PloosingENDS
I find the PC installation that take forever a million times more annoying than swaping a disk for 5 seconds
If i count in DRM, then consoles seem like heaven
If i add updates, need for new windows, game breaking bugs most PC games come with etc, consoles seem the only place i would game and that is what i do too
BTW, the only way Blizzard is going to see my money for Diablo 3, is with a playable offline console version, they have to be kidding if they think i will be force to play online, that would only work if Diablo was the only game around, i would rather play Dark SOuls for a millionth time than be force to play online anything
Funny, guess we trade off because I can pre-load games, and play in 2 minutes after they are released at midnight(or whenever); meanwhile, you have to drive to the release and wait in line for a copy of your pre-order while I get to sit in my comfy warm home, already playing the game.
Gamers are extremely spoiled these days...If I had to swap 30 disks while playing great game 10 years ago I would do it in matter of seconds, with smile on my face. If I had to update system so I can get things to work faster/better I would gladly do it. Whining about those things is stupid IMO.
All im going to say is getting some DOS games runnin, now theres a nightmare.
It's not about the disk swapping it's about how the 360 with it's DVD and lack of harddrive have limited this generation.
Limeted in what aspect? Some of the biggest games (content and features wise) this gen are on one DVD (Halo Reach, RDR, Skyrim...).
Disc Swapping- 5 seconds
Updating - 1 minute
So yeah, I can agree. Though you are SOL if you lose a disc.
why do people say this? it's the exact same thing the other way around, but worse.....if you have just one disc and lose that disc then you REALLY are SOL because that's the ENTIRE game
if you have multiple discs and lose one, at least you can still play part of the game
[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] I dont care what you say it is a known fact that ps3 updates can be long and painful, stop acting like they dont exist because we all know better. tormentos
No is not is a known fact that some people actually make things up here about the PS3,my PS3 download things as fast as it would on my PC,maybe you can also make a video instead of just saying i am wrong without any actual proof.
i really like that line.
no im not gonna record anything so i can prove to you that dl's take forever. 90 percent of the people in this thread say that theyve experienced the same thing. i think thats proof enough...
[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] I dont care what you say it is a known fact that ps3 updates can be long and painful, stop acting like they dont exist because we all know better. slvrraven9
No is not is a known fact that some people actually make things up here about the PS3,my PS3 download things as fast as it would on my PC,maybe you can also make a video instead of just saying i am wrong without any actual proof.
i really like that line.
no im not gonna record anything so i can prove to you that dl's take forever. 90 percent of the people in this thread say that theyve experienced the same thing. i think thats proof enough...
90% you say? Please. Can you go and check that. I think your ability to exaggerate is in question.[QUOTE="TrapJak"]
Disc Swapping- 5 seconds
Updating - 1 minute
So yeah, I can agree. Though you are SOL if you lose a disc.
why do people say this? it's the exact same thing the other way around, but worse.....if you have just one disc and lose that disc then you REALLY are SOL because that's the ENTIRE game
if you have multiple discs and lose one, at least you can still play part of the game
Yea, I don't get that as well. :lol:According to your logic, the Xbox 360 is twice as bad as a PS3 now. Disk swapping + Updates. Oh No!mgs_freak91That is assuming the update process is the same among the HD twins... this may not be breaking news, but they're not. One is far superior to the other.
You said it haven't turned it on in months (for whatever reason). I've turned mine on each week and haven't had an update IN MONTHS..disc swapping is much more annoying than updates since I don't deal with them each gaming session
That is assuming the update process is the same among the HD twins... this may not be breaking news, but they're not. One is far superior to the other. I know they are different. But he is complaining about the fact that he has to wait to play a game, when he has had ample time to update his PS3. For one month he has not turned it on. In one month he has not bothered to check to see if there is an update, it seems he has not checked, or even just come upon accidentally, on the internet even. I'm not saying that the PS3 updates are super fast, nor that they are faster than the Xbox 360 updates. I have been through both, and I agree 100% that the Xbox 360 ones are faster. I'm not even saying that disk swapping is annoying. If you can't swap a disk then you are either unable to due to some illness, or the youth of this time has become so lazy they can't get up and perform an action that takes 30 seconds. Also, downloading for 45 minutes? The TC can call anyone else a liar, just like I can call him a liar, but I have never had to wait 45 minutes for an update. The average human being can perform hundreds of different things. He can not wait for an update. He can not turn on a PS3, press a button, go to sleep. He is complaining about something the is partially his fault. That is what I don't get. I agree, the PS3 updates are ****, they take longer than the Xbox 360 updates. But if you aren't going to bother doing something simple earlier on, then you deserve to get all the hardship that comes later.[QUOTE="mgs_freak91"]According to your logic, the Xbox 360 is twice as bad as a PS3 now. Disk swapping + Updates. Oh No!Stevo_the_gamer
Doesn't even make sense. You haven't turned on your PS3 in a month, and a update is required to be downloaded. You are complaining that you have to download an update when you want to play your game. It is YOUR OWN fault. The Xbox 360 has updates as well. According to your logic, the Xbox 360 is twice as bad as a PS3 now. Disk swapping + Updates. Oh No! Also I would suggest thinking about getting some sort of new plan for your internet. Maybe a new router? Or better modem? It has never taken me 45 minutes to download an update, on PS3, Xbox 360 or PC. I see an update, I go and do something else for a couple of minutes. I come back and it is done. Actually I think I take to long sometimes and I feel like it has been hanging on the "Press this [...........] to continue" screen for a while (or simply the next button on PC). You had to play the game at a later date because you didn't turn on your PS3 in a while and update when you weren't using it. You had a month it seems to do so, yet pressing a couple of buttons seem to have been to much work for you. mgs_freak91disk swapping + 360 updates >>> a single ps3 update. now if you want to get technical and factor in the install also plus a game update AND install for that as well if need be and now you have what??? waaay to much time taken just to play a game. see heres the thing if i had been playing my game all month and still had to update on day 31 of the month...possibly mabey even the final hour of the day and i have to doesnt matter WHEN i turn my ps3 on, the fact that i have to sit through a 45 minute update is unexcaptable....especially when theres no detail in the update about whats being changed (added, taken away or improved). your story of what you do is fine and all but what you fail to take into consideration is the fact that "pressing a couple of buttons" is not to much work for me......being that i am a gamer and thats what playing a game requires, its the inconvenience of having to wait through some ridiculous update so i can play my too much for me. and is one thing that constantly bugs me about the ps3, ever since ive owned mine.
No is not is a known fact that some people actually make things up here about the PS3,my PS3 download things as fast as it would on my PC,maybe you can also make a video instead of just saying i am wrong without any actual proof.mgs_freak91
i really like that line.
no im not gonna record anything so i can prove to you that dl's take forever. 90 percent of the people in this thread say that theyve experienced the same thing. i think thats proof enough...
90% you say? Please. Can you go and check that. I think your ability to exaggerate is in question.:roll: yes its an exaggeration but i think that it goes without saying that the people who have experienced vs the people who havent in this thread is overall a majority vote. doesnt take a troll to figure that out.
EDIT: no i take that back, after reviewing this thread its EASY to identify that 90 percent or more of the people here, in this thread, have experienced or at least have a good understanding of the reality of the situation. what you and the minute few around here claim is nothing more than a fabrication of what really is. sorry bud.....
unless your ENTIRE library consisted of multi disk games then you dont experience them with each gaming session on the 360 either. why on earth would that even be a rational statement to you? and i havent turned my ps3 on a single month almost to the day and im hit with a 45 minute update.You said it haven't turned it on in months (for whatever reason). I've turned mine on each week and haven't had an update IN MONTHS..disc swapping is much more annoying than updates since I don't deal with them each gaming session
lol, swap discs in 3 or 4 games the entire gen or put up with the ps3 being slow and clunky, having manditory installs and updates and patches that feel like they take forever to dl only to get followed by an install?
and this happens in almost every game?
how can there be any question as to which is a bigger deal?
According to your logic, the Xbox 360 is twice as bad as a PS3 now. Disk swapping + Updates. Oh No!mgs_freak91That is assuming the update process is the same among the HD twins... this may not be breaking news, but they're not. One is far superior to the other. I know they are different. But he is complaining about the fact that he has to wait to play a game, when he has had ample time to update his PS3. For one month he has not turned it on. In one month he has not bothered to check to see if there is an update, it seems he has not checked, or even just come upon accidentally, on the internet even. I'm not saying that the PS3 updates are super fast, nor that they are faster than the Xbox 360 updates. I have been through both, and I agree 100% that the Xbox 360 ones are faster. I'm not even saying that disk swapping is annoying. If you can't swap a disk then you are either unable to due to some illness, or the youth of this time has become so lazy they can't get up and perform an action that takes 30 seconds. Also, downloading for 45 minutes? The TC can call anyone else a liar, just like I can call him a liar, but I have never had to wait 45 minutes for an update. The average human being can perform hundreds of different things. He can not wait for an update. He can not turn on a PS3, press a button, go to sleep. He is complaining about something the is partially his fault. That is what I don't get. I agree, the PS3 updates are ****, they take longer than the Xbox 360 updates. But if you aren't going to bother doing something simple earlier on, then you deserve to get all the hardship that comes later. let me tell you a little bit about myself. im a a true manticore. i game on a 360, nintendo wii, psp, ds, ps3, sega dreamcast, ps2, xbox, pc and phone gaming and everything else. if it slips my mind because im into another new game then it happens. no not everyone around here thinks...hey i havent turned my ps3 on in a few weeks, so that im not hit with an update unexpectedly let me turn my ps3 on now. sorry, ive got better things to do than worry about each system ALL the time. when i want to play one....or when i feel like playing it then, thats when i want to play it. if i have to update it then than thats what happens...i can accept that BUT i cannot accept having to wait for 45 minutes for the update alone to take place let alone the install that follows after. anyone can sit here and try and predict when a ps3 update is needed but noone should have to focus so hard on this system to make that a priority. also this isnt the first time tha tthis situation has happened. even when playing the ps3 straight....when it was the hot system in the house, theres still no telling when youll need to install an update before you can get into the game....regardless if its a new game or not. sometimes, you just want to get a game cannot get a preemptive every single time on these updates......theres just no way.
Disk swapping takes 10 seconds for me and from my 90 xbox360 games I only have 2 games with a disk swapping. Battlefield 3 (1 campaign 1 multiplayer.) No reason for using the campaign disk after i played it out. And L.A. Noire wich is like every 4-5 hours. Ifanyone say's that a update from minimum 5 minutes is more annoying then a disk swapping from 10 sec - 1 min...:P
Ofc 360 has also big updates but there like every year 1 or maybe 2 of them and still they take only 5 minutes.
the real difference is that a ps3 updates and installs happen before or after you play. The disc swapping interrupts the gameplay and can limit your freedom in more open gamesGunSmith1_basichow does it limit your freedom? i can understand interrupts the gameplay but aside from that, its essentialy the same experience...i dont understand.
Also what is the point in comparing the two? You don't require an update per say from Sony for playing a game. You don't need to do an update half way through a game to play the next part. I don't see how the two things, updating and disk swapping, have anything in common. You update your system on your Xbox 360 and your PS3, you update patches for both your PS3 and Xbox 360. Doesn't it make sense to compare the installation on the PS3, which are sometimes mandatory, to the disk swapping on the Xbox 360? mgs_freak91the similarity is that theyre both annoying. the question is which is more annoying. you could in that aspect compare just about anything.
you know what im sick of updating? quicktime and itunes on my PC... theres an update every freakin week!
oh about the ps3... its that blu-ray slowing the whole system down... they rushed that to the market..
ps4 will be much better.
sell your ps3 and go wii60...
get a ps4 years later and play the ps3 games you missed.
I personally feel disc swapping is much more annoying, although I understand it takes less time. Watching my friend trying to find a certain mission in L.A. Noire and getting the wrong disc was furiating.
disc swapping doesn't bother people at all, its just fan boys being fan boys. i prefer installs only if the game runs better. the only problem with the x360 disc swapping is that they are not scratch proof.
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