I see many fans on here trying to compare Killzone to Halo and vice versa. This is my feelings on some areas of the games and almost every area Halo is just plain and simple the better game.I am only to the part where I just beat the Helicopter boss in Killzone 2 but at this point I do not think I can play the single player part anymore.
(Well lets start off with game scores)-Halo wins here. Halo scored better here and on Gamerankings.
(The look of the game)--Graphics-Killzone it is clear Killzone looks graphicly better.
(Art style)-Halo wins and should be clear to anyone with eyes. Halo has a certain look. They make sure to have areas to have the Halo feel. Killzone though is just factories basicly the whole game and the look never changes.
(This leads me to level areas)- Halo wins hands down. I find it crazy that Gears was made fun of its dark look to the point of called Gears of Gray and it still was far more varied then Killzone.Every single area of Killzone looks the same. Halo has areas that have a clear alien feel or for example forest feels but killzone always feels the same.
(Story)- Halo wins. It is clear what the story is in Halo games. In Killzone 2 there is not a bad story but no story at all. Like I said in another post I dare anyone that has not played KZ1 or read the KZ website to even know why they are invading the planet! I am not saying a FPS game has to have a story on the level of a Tale of two cities but Killzone 2 does not even let you know anything at all.
(The main person..who you play)-Master Chief is leaps and bounds ahead of Sev.As you play Killzone you will feel like some basic soldier just being told what to do. That is all you are also just some soldier. Master Chief they have always made out to be a super soldier. His name is Spartan John 117. Sev looks like a big dork with with a bad hair cut. It is just impossible that Sev being who he is will ever be a game icon like Master chief is.
To further go on with Sev you are being told what to do to the point it is beyond annoying.For example I am look around a couiple rooms I just cleared and Garza will say over and over and over again the same thing for me to do. I never felt with Killzone I myself can change the war but was just the average grunt given orders and then I fill them out. As Master Chief they make sure you feel like you are a super soldier.
(weapons)- Halo wins again. So many guns in Killzone 2 feel so very human and considering you are on a alien world that is crap. In Halo there is so many alien type weapons. Bungie understand you are fighting aliens and they will notbe using the same type of guns with bullets and all. I will say the flamethrower in KZ2 is pretty cool but not very pratical most times.
(buddies)- Halo wins. Cortana has far more impact then Rico or Garza ever could for example they just make a bunch of bad jokes and most times come off as jerks.
(enimes)- Halo wins. I mean really do I even need to explain? Halo has so many different looking bad guys from brutes, elites, a few different flood models, and so on. Killzone 2 is just the same guy over and over and over. In Killzone 2 it is basicly just a different weapon.
(music)- Halo has some so win by defult. Kinda like story.
I could go on but it is clear Killzone does not hold a candle to Halo. There is so many other areas I could go into. Killzone is SO VERY overrated and only talked about because it is a exclusive. I wish I never fell into the hype and bought it but sadly I did.
I would like to hear other comparisons also. In what ways do you think KZ2 is better then Halo or vice versa.
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