AA on LOCK only to A FLOP
@GhostHawk196: so you admititaly say it's a very fun game and you've played the game, and it's a flop?
Did the game not sell, did no one buy the gears console, no one bought a Xbox 1s to play gears. MS lost money on the game?
Or are you saying it's a flop because this web site gave it a 7?
Oh ok nevermind then. It's just nonsense spewing from your mouth.
Like a Boss baby, like a Boss !!
Gaming AgeOct 11, 2016
"I think it’s safe to say the franchise is in the right hands, and I look forward to seeing more from both the developer and this series in the years to come."
I couldn't agree more, way to go Coalition, you could show Epic a thing or two it seems. Keep up the great work. :P
@kvally: Because he doesn't want you to know that he's a hardcore lem, so he can keep his current gen 8 leader blah, blah, blah shtick going on GS :P
@kvally: Because he doesn't want you to know that he's a hardcore lem, so he can keep his current gen 8 leader blah, blah, blah shtick going on GS :P
Yup, he's a closet super Lem dressed in Cowhide. lololol :P
It's certainly inferior to recent PS4 games like Dragon Quest Builders and Rez Infinite.
Yes but be gentle, this is actually pretty good for lemmings. One of their best flops. Cows are used to weakly greatness but for lems average flops every few months are really special. So congrats lems. TLHBO.
Time and time again. The ONLY score on this site that matters is the GameSpot score. This is well known on this board. That applies to all systems. Fan babies are the biggest hypocrites in this place. You cannot say it doesn't count for one faction to use a source such as Metacritic when it doesn't support your argument and then see it as valid when it does. It's not a hard concept to grasp. On GameSpot it's a flop end of discussion.
With that said I will get this game when I get my new video card for free.
Its funny Ghosthawk. You say its absolutely unplayable on the Xbone, yet you have 23 hours into it on the xbone.
Also thats a lot of hours for a two day old game thats a "flop".
AA on LOCK only to A FLOP
lol...it siad you were on last night. That was around 10:30pm CST. I can probably game Saturday, what time you thinking?
That was my son. He came home from work, and he turns on the Xbox, leaves my side logged in while he is on his side. I can play as early as 6am Saturday morning CDT.
@kvally: TL;DR, please keep it shorter next time or dot point it...
Yea I did have a great time but I also had a great time with bigger flops than Gears 4 such as Quantum Break, Ryse but that doesn't mean they're great games. The point is, good time doesn't necessary = quality.
@Cloud_imperium: I don't have a problem with m$, in fact I'm very grateful their games are now all on pc that way I can play these games beyond 720p and 4times 24 fps. The point is their exclusives ain't what they used to be like gears 2 and 3
I'm telling you now it is completely unplayable on the Xbone...
Can you elaborate?
Lets face it, Gears 4 flopped. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
Where did it flop? According to Metacritic:
And finally, according to the big kahuna:
A technological masterpiece for both Xbox One and PC.
Ultimately, there are is a lot to take away from this experience here. On Xbox One, this is one of the most technically accomplished titles yet released for the platform. With impeccable image quality, steady performance, and a whole host of modern visual effects, it's truly one of the best looking games on the console. We're eager to see how this version of the game is transformed for the arrival of Scorpio next year as well.
The PC version impresses even more due in part to the poor track record of UWP ports this year. Gears of War 4 on the PC runs like a dream on a wide variety of platforms and features one of the most robust set of options we've seen as of late. The Xbox Play Anywhere feature also works supremely well making it possible to switch back and forth seamlessly between PC and Xbox One gameplay. The saves carry right over and all of the messaging is clear so you're never left wondering if your progress will be overwritten.
Gears 4 also marks a high point for Epic's Unreal Engine 4, which had yet to be featured in a big budget AAA experience until now. This remarkable engine has played a key role in allowing The Coalition to deliver a beautiful, highly optimised release on a grand scale. There's little doubt that Gears of 4 lives up to its predecessors. While the visuals may not impress quite as much as Gears of War in 2006, which came at a time when graphics techniques were shifting dramatically, it's still remarkably impressive all around.
Overall then, The Coalition has delivered in spades. Gears of War 4 hits all the right marks and the end results are beautiful to behold. If you choose to buy the game digitally, the Play Anywhere feature means that you don't even need to choose which version you'd like to play as both are included. It's been a strong year for Microsoft's first party studios but Gears of War 4 might just be its best release yet.
Looks like you stand alone Ghost. Better luck on your trolling next time.
You can't seriously expect me to read through this?
Its funny Ghosthawk. You say its absolutely unplayable on the Xbone, yet you have 23 hours into it on the xbone.
Also thats a lot of hours for a two day old game thats a "flop".
and 230 hours on COD Ghosts, the guy is just an attention seeking troll.
Do you guys work for the CIA? I can't even find this data on my game time and that's MY gamer tag
AA on LOCK only to A FLOP
lol...it siad you were on last night. That was around 10:30pm CST. I can probably game Saturday, what time you thinking?
That was my son. He came home from work, and he turns on the Xbox, leaves my side logged in while he is on his side. I can play as early as 6am Saturday morning CDT.
6am? *jinkies* I'll see if the damn dog wakes me up that early..lol
TC fell from $ony´s dick and landed on M$´ dick, don´t want to admit he likes it.
Besides, in the only place where G4 "flopped" was in GS, verywhere else the game has good scores.
Well...if the game is very fun to play, then MS is doing something right...right??? What's next? well, i don't know, maybe keep making good games, is not like MS is saying right now:
"It's all over gentleman, time to kill the franchise, close the Xbox Offices and surrender to Sony".
I mean...really, what the hell TC.
Its funny Ghosthawk. You say its absolutely unplayable on the Xbone, yet you have 23 hours into it on the xbone.
Also thats a lot of hours for a two day old game thats a "flop".
and 230 hours on COD Ghosts, the guy is just an attention seeking troll.
Do you guys work for the CIA? I can't even find this data on my game time and that's MY gamer tag
all i did was google your GT, first result
So a game he's calling a "flop" he's played 23 hours of????????????
What ignorance, I don't know what's worse, that or the doofus that was on here before that always use to bad mouth the Xbox One but yet he bought 3 of them which is 2 more than I bought but I was a "lem" LOL.
The question is, what else is there to look forward to from M$ first party devs?
Not much sadly, they are effectively abandoning any effort to make the xbone anything more than a paperweight device. The lems are falling into deeper desperation with every passing day as evidenced by their ongoing irrationality and tantrums. They don't even recognize actual good games anymore. Their standards are on the floor and they think that games like QB are good games. Poor rodents, I have never seen such a pathetic state of a gaming fanbase. MS is to blame for constantly bringing their hopes up and then crushing them with refurbished flops. I pity them but at the same time they're their own enemy because they could be migrating towards greener fields any day of the week, yet they refuse. My bet is that they're experiencing a type of Stockholm syndrome. TLHBO.
Sums you up perfectly.
Damn that cracked me up. I legit laughed out load hard at that.
Game is great and cows are just jealous. With Forza Horizon and Gears launching back to back it has sent cows into insane mode.
Just keep telling yourself Gamespot reviews actually matter in the real world. Overall it is doing great review wise and I am guessing it is doing great sales wise also.
@GhostHawk196: "Whilst it was a very fun game, the narrative fell short. Gears 1,2,3 didnt exactly have the best overall storyline however it was the relationship between the characters which made it so powerful."
So video games greatness are based on stories?
I think the biggest problem is the lack of innovation from Microsoft and Sony. They are too much about the monetary gain, and less about the actual experience for the player. Huge issue. Play on Nintendo and PC, you will not miss out on anything big if you drop both of these idiots.
it only flopped on GS, even i slagged the game off until i actually played it now i can't put it down.
the graphics are amazing in my opinion.
yeah the story line has some cheesy moment but thats just Gears.
cheesy? i loved it. lol'd quite a few times.
all clear? lol that part mad me dying
I mean it came out before but the answer would be Forza Horizon 3. That crew really figured out open world racing over those three games. Dead Rising 4 will be a blast but that's my personal zombie killing addiction. Beyond that? Nothing. I use my X1 a lot more than my PS4 but I usually buy more exclusives for PS4 than X1. It's just kinda how this gen has turned out.
EDIT: DR4 is not first party. Was really just thinking exclusives in general.
The question is, what else is there to look forward to from M$ first party devs?
Not much sadly, they are effectively abandoning any effort to make the xbone anything more than a paperweight device. The lems are falling into deeper desperation with every passing day as evidenced by their ongoing irrationality and tantrums. They don't even recognize actual good games anymore. Their standards are on the floor and they think that games like QB are good games. Poor rodents, I have never seen such a pathetic state of a gaming fanbase. MS is to blame for constantly bringing their hopes up and then crushing them with refurbished flops. I pity them but at the same time they're their own enemy because they could be migrating towards greener fields any day of the week, yet they refuse. My bet is that they're experiencing a type of Stockholm syndrome. TLHBO.
Oh my god! You got me! I am so upset that a game that I don't care about flopped! What will I do to get over this and prevent my Xbox One from being a paper weight? Will I play third-party games? Will I play BC Xbox 360 games?
How will I ever get over this?
Oh wait, I'm fine because I don't care about Microsoft's first-party anyway outside of Halo and Killer Instinct. Hell, I never cared about Sony's first-party outside of God of War.
Nintendo is the only one that I care about when it comes to first-party games. I have always bought Playstation and Xbox systems for third-party titles.
I hoped Gears of War 4 does well, and I'll pick it up when its cheap. But I'm not crying tears over it. I bought my Xbox One, and I love the system.
@CanYouDiglt: The reason it's so funny is because it's so true.
I wouldn't be surprised if he walked around with a roll of toilet paper in his pocket, because with the amount of shit he speaks there's bound to be some dribbling down his chin on a regular basis.
The Dakur Has Been Owned
Nah. Prepare yourself for me saying 10 more years of Gears, Halo, Forza. It's the only trick i know.
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