Okami Sequel Rumored to Paint the PS3 Red
Okamiis the definition of unrecognized beauty. Anyone who sat down with the title to experience the vibrant Japanese art ****and calligraphy inspired action couldn't help but be swept away by it's charm. Unfortunately, the original PS2 title sold terribly in early 2006. Against all odds,Capcomreleased a pseudo-sequel,Okamiden, for the Nintendo DS, but fans pleas and prayers for a true successor to Amaterasu's original journey may have finally found their way into the 13 Brush Gods' ears.
Just released in the May issue ofOfficial PlayStation Magazine UK is a one sentence hint in their rumor section:
Despite selling like yellow-snow ice cream, OPM favouriteOkami could still get a PS3 sequel.
Clover, the original developers of not onlyOkamibut alsoViewtiful Joe 1 & 2,was closed by Capcom not long afterOkami'sfinal sales figure came in. Although the creative minds moved on tonew studiosandprojects, only a few of the original cast stuck around to help work on Capcom's latest successorOkamiden. No word on ifAtsushi InabaorHideki Kamiya, the producer and creative mind behind the original concept are tied in with the hint, but both have stated in the past they would have some interest in a sequel.
Okami'scelestial brush techniques asked the user to interact with your surroundings by creating brush strokes on parchment that would be used tobring sections of the world back to life, perform attacks on enemies, or create elemental effects like a breeze.A re-release ofOkamifor the Wiiutilized the motion controller to bring the brush strokes to life, allowing users to step even further into the Wolf God's world. We can only imagine a true successor would continue this trend and utilize the PlayStation Move.
Keep your fingers crossed. You can bet we'll be following this one closely.
(Source is Playstationlifest.yle.com)
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