Best believe it. When a developer said there would be Avatar quality graphics on the next Xbox, he wasnt kidding. Teh Cloud means unlimited power.
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Best believe it. When a developer said there would be Avatar quality graphics on the next Xbox, he wasnt kidding. Teh Cloud means unlimited power.
[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]ahhh, no 3X the power is on the start of things. Endless power is a reality. Strap one on brah, you're looking at a future proof console.95% marketing hype.
Are you being sarcastic.
Sony need to come out and reveal that the PS4 is actually ten times more powerful than previously thought due to magical fairy dust. Can't let MS corner the market on gullible people.JamDev
Whos the gullible ones? You are the ones jumping to damning conclusions without stepping back to look at the little information that's there.
[QUOTE="Wasdie"]"We're provisioning for developers for every physical Xbox One we build, we're provisioning the CPU and storage equivalent of three Xbox Ones on the cloud," It's a reality Was, coupled with some new IPs make me excited for the first time in 4 years for xbox. I really hope you arent buying the Xbox One for the "cloud power" cause ur gonna be very disappointed...It's just marketing jargon. Bad marketing jargon. The fanboys are eating it up.
[QUOTE="JamDev"]Sony need to come out and reveal that the PS4 is actually ten times more powerful than previously thought due to magical fairy dust. Can't let MS corner the market on gullible people.GOGOGOGURT
Whos the gullible ones? You are the ones jumping to damning conclusions without stepping back to look at the little information that's there.
lol, go read the DF article about the real world limitations of cloud computing, then compare that to the "infinite power of the cloud!!! From 10x to 40x more powerful than the 360 thanks to the cloud!!!!!" MS hyperbole and tell me again who's gullible.Unnamed exclusives, side by side that wasn't side by side, ingame that wasn't ingame, gazillion transistors which is meaningless. Everything they said was twisted and fake so why would you believe in the Magic Cloud.
Its a Trojan horse to shoe-horn in AO-DRM.clyde46
I'd say the same.
If MS said we're only getting AO-DRM, a huge backlash happens.
But if they say we're getting some awesome extra features that require constant Internet connection, gamers will find it easier to swallow, and some will even hype it. Still, that "unlimited power" is just a bad PR, since it's well established how "teh cloud processing" can only be used for some basic stuff...
[QUOTE="clyde46"]Its a Trojan horse to shoe-horn in AO-DRM.Rocker6
I'd say the same.
If MS said we're only getting AO-DRM, a huge backlash happens.
But if they say we're getting some awesome extra features that require constant Internet connection, gamers will find it easier to swallow, and some will even hype it. Still, that "unlimited power" is just a bad PR, since it's well established how "teh cloud processing" can only be used for some basic stuff...
I think this sort of ruined their PR potential a good bit (at least among games that read gaming news and all that)This could be good only for MP-centric games, imo.
And even then there's the question what happens if the main server goes down.
I use cloud computing literally everyday at work, so it's not some made up BS tech that has no use or purpose when it comes to computing. I don't see why MS couldn't use it to make a better experience/game.Senor_Kamimeans that u dont know shit about it... using it does not mean u know something about it
even if you could use a cloud service to render graphics, it cant be done using imaginary hardware.
so per user there would have to be a piece of hardware somewhere that can render graphics equal to or beyond what the xbox one can do?
Yea that is what I was thinking, it still needs to be rendered by the graphics card. Or can you feed the cloud render calculations in another way?even if you could use a cloud service to render graphics, it cant be done using imaginary hardware.
so per user there would have to be a piece of hardware somewhere that can render graphics equal to or beyond what the xbox one can do?
Just did some basic, preliminary math.
quadrupling the Xbox One's power would require 273.2 gb/s, or 279757 mb/s.
Verizon FiOS, which currently is just about the fastest internet service available on the commercial market is only 35mb/s.
This means that you would need an internet speed ~7993X faster than FiOS.
Yeah, uh no. Not happening. By the time internet tech has evolved to be that fast quadrupling the X1's power will be a completely trivial amount. Cloud Processing is USELESS and has no real future.
Soooooo wrong.
check my sig
Just did some basic, preliminary math.
quadrupling the Xbox One's power would require 273.2 gb/s, or 279757 mb/s.
Verizon FiOS, which currently is just about the fastest internet service available on the commercial market is only 35mb/s.
This means that you would need an internet speed ~7993X faster than FiOS.
Yeah, uh no. Not happening. By the time internet tech has evolved to be that fast quadrupling the X1's power will be a completely trivial amount. Cloud Processing is USELESS and has no real future.
Soooooo wrong.
check my sig
Or check mine if we are doing e-penis competition :P It really doesn't matter, you will need a great and constant Internet connection for it to work :)If I can already play full games through the cloud with decent graphics, I see no reason why we wouldnt be able to stream some decent enhancements into a game.AndrovinusBecause streaming video takes considerable less bandwidth than the back and forth necessary for graphical processing.
[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]I use cloud computing literally everyday at work, so it's not some made up BS tech that has no use or purpose when it comes to computing. I don't see why MS couldn't use it to make a better experience/game.legalize82means that u dont know shit about it... using it does not mean u know something about it I think he's more qualified than you, someone without a basic grasp of the English language...
[QUOTE="legalize82"][QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]I use cloud computing literally everyday at work, so it's not some made up BS tech that has no use or purpose when it comes to computing. I don't see why MS couldn't use it to make a better experience/game.clyde46means that u dont know shit about it... using it does not mean u know something about it I think he's more qualified than you, someone without a basic grasp of the English language... why should i act like einstein on these boards ? hahaah 2nd english in not my mothers language 3rd since when do u know more when english is in ure blood..? ure qualified to talk about theclouds because u talk godly english... hahahahah
Even if they got that to work I'm against it. Doesn't that imply the console becomes completely useless down the line when Microsoft no longer supports it? No thanks
I do. MS will never have to release another console ever, they can just harness the power of teh cloudz. Will save xbox fans a ton of money down the road. Heil68
Load up any webpage and it will take a few seconds for the images to load if you haven't been there before (if you have your local harddrive will speed things up by loading locally). The difference between loading a website assets up over the net vs your hard drive are huge!!!! Now instead of photos for websites, do that with 100s to 1000s of mb of texture data and you have a problem. Evne a slight delay will cause choppyness in your framerates. It would cause the "pop-in" effect and large hitches all over the place. Plus there is no standard net speed so its a moving target. No dev in their right mind would do this!!!
The only thing that ms will use the cloud for, most likely will be for multiplayer back-ends like Cod elite or the battlefield 3 thing. Also for on server rendering of a whole game and then sending the content over (which what onlive and gaikai do). plus storage. And the evil data mining from the always online camera... Wont even go there in this thread though.
So Heil68, I thought you had sense seeing that you were praising the ps4... .yet now I see you must be a gullible sheep following BS from a company known for bs and anti-consumer policies. I hope your comment was sarcastic or just trolling.
Very true...but you don't need to worry because what they claim is PR BS anyway, just stuff for the guliable lemming masses err... COD - sports junkies with no tech experience to latch on to.. They needed something to counter act the fact that PS4 is 40-50% more powerful do to GPU power, Memory Speed, and memory footprint for the OS..Even if they got that to work I'm against it. Doesn't that imply the console becomes completely useless down the line when Microsoft no longer supports it? No thanks
[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]ahhh, no 3X the power is on the start of things. Endless power is a reality. Strap one on brah, you're looking at a future proof console. Wow you really are naive... and gullible I thought you were level headed but it turns out you just believe everything you hear... when people in the know say otherwise. wake up!95% marketing hype.
[QUOTE="Wasdie"][QUOTE="Heil68"] "We're provisioning for developers for every physical Xbox One we build, we're provisioning the CPU and storage equivalent of three Xbox Ones on the cloud," It's a reality Was, coupled with some new IPs make me excited for the first time in 4 years for xbox. Heil68
So now you're on the other side.
You'll end up with the X1 was, you know you will. Anyways, you and miketheman should come on the podcast and discuss the cloud, it would be a fascinating show. All I can say is "turn-coat" guilable ,and delusional. Have fun with 24 hour online drm, used game fees. 50% less pwoerful console and Tv, Sports , and cod over good creative new ips and gamers games... Oh and have fun paying for everything and contribuiting to the downfall of gaming. I just can't believe you changed sides over BS M$ PR .... Its unbelivable. No proof has ever been shown on this cloud bs and you belive it when knowledgeable network specialists and programmers know better... come on man. what do they say... "DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE" you must of been a lemming last gen , to fall this easily to PR bs.[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]You'll end up with the X1 was, you know you will. Anyways, you and miketheman should come on the podcast and discuss the cloud, it would be a fascinating show. All I can say is "turn-coat" guilable ,and delusional. Have fun with 24 hour online drm, used game fees. 50% less pwoerful console and Tv, Sports , and cod over good creative new ips and gamers games... Oh and have fun paying for everything and contribuiting to the downfall of gaming. I just can't believe you changed sides over BS M$ PR .... Its unbelivable. No proof has ever been shown on this cloud bs and you belive it when knowledgeable network specialists and programmers know better... come on man. what do they say... "DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE" you must of been a lemming last gen , to fall this easily to PR bs.So now you're on the other side.
good god :lol:
UNLIMITED POOOOOWWWWWAH!!!!! YEAH BABY!! The true denial is in not realizing that the PS4 will become irrevelevant in less than six months!!!! CLOUD POWAH!!!greensand24So true. Anyone that doesnt believe is just mad their Ps4 wont be able to catch up. It was all in the making since Xbox Live was first invented. We didnt pay Xbox Live fees for no reason.
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