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[QUOTE="bronxxbombers"]Looks like it could be good. Gunplay looks a little meh though.Midnightshade29It' s an RPG.... don't go to this game expecting fps halo action...what is up with people? Probably the same people who bought fallout3 and didn't even know or use vats... These games are not fps games. Alpha protocol will be great! I already know this as well will Fallout new vegas...why? The deveolper. This dev is fantastic. let me run down some history for you: Obsidian maker of KOTOR 2, NWN2, ALpha Protocl, Fallout new vegas... Who are Obsidian and where did they come from? Obsidian is made up of the majortiy of BlackIsle studios developers... you may say so , who the hell are they and why should i care? BlackIsle co-created Baldur's gate with Bioware. They made Planescape Torment, and ICewind dale 1 and 2, now you also need to know the guys at blackisle were made up mostly from the devs that made Fallout2... You see the chain of history working here? And the epic RPG Goodness from these guys? They make good RPGs always have, which is why I have faith in any game they make as i have loved all of them. How can you not like the makers of Fallout2, Planescape torment, NWN2, and Kotor 2... they worked very closly with bioware back with interplay and wasn't until the xbox did the two stop working togeater as Bioware sold out to M$ and Obsidian remained mainly a PC developer. Now they are working on different style of games but are still rpgs at heart and soul... This game will rock ..mark my words. The only people that will hate it our the twitch halo fanboys who thought it was a shooter.
You said it all perfect right here. I have been trying to show people this for months. But most of them just say if it does not have master chief and a halo on the cover then we do not understand:?
As for a few of us around here most long time PC gamers I bet we know these things and have a keen eye on this game just becuase of what you just said about the developmenet team.
Eh? I don't recall seeing hate for thsi game. Looks like a solid AA game to me but it can go higher.
Looks kinda average.aero250Instead of trolling, do you have an argument to back that up?
the gameplay looks allmost identical to mass effect. like they allmost took everything from it. but hey, mass effect is unbeatable in the rpg shooter category
the gameplay looks allmost identical to mass effect. like they allmost took everything from it. but hey, mass effect is unbeatable in the rpg shooter category
First off, Alpha Protocol is not sci fi, it is tactical espionage in a more realistic modern day setting. Secondly, Alpha Protocol is not a party based system like Mass Effect. Third, in addition to guns, Alpha Protocol features hand to hand combat and martial arts as an ability you can level up as well. I could go on, but instead I will just ask where are the meaningful similarities here worth complaining about? You think it is a rip just because of the guns or what?:lol:
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