Differnt people...different experiances...I found out to avoid online games between 1-5PM. All the little kids get outta school around that time. It's like they've been waiting all day to get online and call someone the N-word. this is no different on PSN. Uncharted 2 and Socom have some of the worst kids gaming.
It's sad that in some cases, I hear kids that sound younger than 10 years old. I don't understand parents that allow kids to have computers, TV and consoles in there rooms. Then their the first ones to protest a kids going to porn sites and playing violent videogames. They truly treat consoles like they're babysitters.
Also, Why is the N-word so popular online?
People are people. Dont' forget these are just kids who havn't learn't yet how control and behave in society. They learn certain attitudes and behaviours from either parents, friends or other people.
What is really sad, and I do feel sorry for them is when they are adults who have children of their own.
However we all have to grow up some day and face ourselves and responsibilites.
The other stuff also comes from the responsibilites of parenting and how your actions, fears, insecurities can roll on to your children.
The reason why some people act like that is because they have issues. No doubt they've broken the terms of agreement and be reported soon enough as well.
Anyway, they are the ones with the problems and issues not you.
If you stick with a group of people and friends that you know you'll be fine.;)
I always do.
There are many good gamers out there and trust me you'll have more fun.
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