I just literally finished playing the God of War 3 demo just minutes ago and i am speechless! WOW, In my 20 years of gaming (im 25) I have NEVER EVER played anything so epic and just so.. magnificent. As far as single player this game KILLS any game this gen I mean this is what NEXT GEN truely means. I got the demo by simply going to gamestop, pre ordering it and they gave me a voucher code.. I RECCOMEND if you can, go right this second.. yes if you can RIGHT THIS SECOND, pre order it and download it.
I was overwhelmed after playing this demo.. Forget Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Halo Reach, Alan Wake.. Yes those will be awesome games but God Of War 3 takes gaming to a whole new level in terms of music, atmosphere, jaw dropping graphics, perfect and seamless gameplay.. I guarantee this now that God Of War 3 will win GOTY next year guaranteed and i know you will probably roll your eyes after reading this but if your not truely impressed with this game after playing the demo then you either need help or dont like gaming.
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