People have been hyping it up to be the PS3's answer to Gears of War 2 but I saw a review of it on a TV show and quite frankly, it looks awful.
Although the cutscenes and some of the backdrops are quite impressive, the gameplay graphics are poor. They almost look a generation behind Gears 2. The people, aliens and weapons look like they have about 10 contours between them and there are none of the stunning lighting effects and reflective surfaces that Gears 1 and 2 delivered. The characters and immediate environment are more comparable to half-life 2 (xbox) than Gears 2 (xbox 360).
The reviewer also said the levels were extremely linear and your often forced down corridors while more open level design would have suited it a lot better.
The combat also looks poor. It almost looked like a bad Halo 3 rip-off in some places. Certainly nothing like the splattering blood and popping heads of Gears of War.
Naturally it got a lower rating than Gears 2 that was reviewed the week before.
I was quite shocked watching the game played and reviewed. After all the hype and 'Gears-Beating' talk I expected something much better than what I saw. It happened before. Before Haze came out, they were saying it would be the PS3's answer to Halo 3 and look how that turned out.Â
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