I'll give you my take as a long-time Halo player and general xbox-aholic. I can't see what there is to knock about R2. It looks beautiful, plays great, is addictive and entralling. Defintiely worthy of an AAA+ rating.
In terms of comparison to Gears 2 and Halo 3, I would say fair enough the graphics aren't quite up there with Gears but the gameplay is better. Gear's cover system becomes boring/repetitive and restrictive after a while whilst in Halo and Resistance you have more versatility. But again that's all down to opinion
and it's like comparing chalk and cheese. Although it's definitely taken inspiration from both I would say it has more in common with Halo 3 than Gears of War (Gameplay-wise, not story ofc).
Which is best? Depends on your take but you have to take in to account that the Halo series has been in development now for something like 6 years? and whilst R2 is definitely strides ahead of R1 it doesn't have the multiplayer quality or options of Halo 3 so I have to go with my old favourite. (Nothing can beat a game of Big Team Splockets now and then to break the tedium up.)
I lost interest in R1 pretty quick as it was a little light weight both in graphics and gameplay and rough round the edges generally. R2 so far has been a blast - I can't wait for Resistance 3 if they are taking strides like this with the series.
This is the game the PS3 has been waiting for. Roll on Kill Zone 2.
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