arguing using that same logic:
mass effect is a mediocre KOTOR clone with bad combat.
See, I can say dumb things too!NavigatorsGhost
Well, Mass Effect is made by the same devs as KOTOR and i'm sure there's nothing wrong with copying from yourself. And Mass Effect seems to be anything but mediocre from the impressions gained so far
No, it hasn't, because it doesn't look like a mediocre Tomb Raider ripoff with bad combat. It looks like a great game which scores an 8.0 or an 8.5 on GS. It could be better or it could be worse, but from what I've seen I would say an 8.5, but GS can give whatever they see fit. I certainly won't be playing for a long time to come, but it still looks like a great game.
It looks shiny, but the game itself looks meh. Cows need to stop getting impressed so easily, a game needs more to be great
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