For those people still going on and on about Halo 3.
1.- Pretty much every fps can do playbacks, in the PC world they are called "timedemos" or demos for short they are files the game records of any match and you can play back on the engine at will. They were originally thought up as benchmarking tools, you would record a demo and play it back on different hardware configurations to test performance, then people realilzed they could use it to watch championship matches on your own copy of the game engine, and they gained more popularity. Now they are used in every game, they are so common they don't even get listed cause it's assumed a FPS will be able to record timedemos. Every game ever made by Valve has it, every game by ID since the original Quake has it, every game in the Battlefield series has it, every game in the Unreal series has it, Far Cry has it and Crysis will have it as well.
So get over it. It's nice that Halo 3 has it and all, very cool, but it's still nothing you should try to brag about or pass as an innovation on a thread about a PC only game.
2.- The Forge, that's also nice, it's also nothing new. On the Steam engine you can even do the most insane real time game editing in any game on any platform ever, and it's also multiplayer, so you can do it with as much people as your server will allow working at the same time, want to buid a giant mecha as tall as a skyscraper with separate controls for arms, legs and torso?
Got it:
So yeah, it's nice Halo 3 has some new stuff for the 360, and that's very nice and much appreciated, but it's just not impressive in a thread dedicated to a PC only game.
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