Every time a list of the most pirated games of the year come up, PC is always on top, everytime news pops up about video game piracy its always blaming the PC
Now how does a torrent download = a pirated copy, it doesnt at all, did they have a modded xbox? can their PC even run it? see my point.
anyway, these yearly list of most pirated games never show the PSP and DS to make the PC look worse
ask any console based site what the most pirated game of all time is, they will say MW2 on PC or Spore, DEAD WRONG
the most pirated games of all time are PSP and DS games (i have plenty of Source if you disagree)
lets look at this silly list
Top Pirated PC games on Bit Torrent for 2010
1) Call of Duty: Black Ops (4,270,000) - you cant play Black ops online with a pirated copy on PC, but you can on Xbox 360
2) Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (3,960,000) - you cant play BC2 online with a pirated copy on PC, but you can on Xbox 360 (also BC2 sold best on PC)
3) Mafia 2 (3,240,000) - damn shame, i have no counter for this
4) Mass Effect 2 (3,240,000) - no wonder bioware dont make PC games anymore, Single player games are dead on PC, ill give you that, but too be fair SP games are also dying on consoles
5) Starcraft II (3,120,000)- Blizzard stated this was dead wrong, over 2million of these torrent downloads was from blizzards official torrent
yet again on this list i see no PSP/DS and no PS3
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