[QUOTE="lamprey263"]he's right, a digital system would be bettter, it'd stop used game sales, help consumers retain rights to games, and the money studios get would better fun projects and studios and the overall quality of games would be much betterShadowriverUB
Excuse me? What rights are being retained by digital distribution? The one where you're stuck playing your game on one profile? Sometimes one system? Why are there PSN and XBLA games that require you to be online to play singleplayer? What rights is that retaining? You try playing any of those games offline when XBL or PSN are down?
Or the DRM schemes of Steam that come packaged in even with retail releases. I beat a game, I let my uncle borrow it. he beats a game he lets me borrow it afterwards. Where with digital distribution are my rights retained? Is it the part that says "YOU DO NOT OWN THIS GAME! YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE PRIVILEDGE TO PLAY IT!" Is that the part that retains my rights as a consumer? Because every other product, when I buy it, I own it. Why are games different from everything else? I can buy used DVDs and used CDs from people that don't want it. I can buy used games for older generation systems that I missed out on, some of the best games that I'm only now experiencing, but you get rid of physical copies and that disappears. And who is to say that with DD those games will stay? There are games on the XBLA that are no longer sold. What if I wanted those games? Where's my shot at purchasing them now? What part of any of this is retaining my right to games? If anything a digital system does the exact opposite of that. It becomes a license to play rather than rights over what you paid. Digital distribution takes games and changes them from a product to a service. There is a huge difference between the two. You can own a product, you can't own a service.
....and OnLive is vaporware :P
whatever you like it or not it most likely happen due simple fact that physical distribution costs more and if they could they would throw it right now. You don't be so sceptic, as world move full DD people will start demending services that was left behind with retail and solutions for that might show up.
Digital distribution involves cutting costs to maximize profits, right? Who is to say that actual cost to consumer would go down? Would I be saving money? With the cost of games rising to $60 and the difference between physical and digital copies being almost nothing, barring special sales which happen to both physical and digital copies regardless, what benefit do I get from it? Sure, solutions MIGHT show up, but how long will they take? Am I really going to go out on a "maybe things will get better" mentality?
Sure, digital will probably end up being the future. I don't dispute that. But it isn't a future where I see too many positives for me as a consumer. Sure the games will still be playable, but the online-only future is something I'm very skeptical of, and Sony's recent SNAFU's should have just as many people thinking the same way with both PSN and SOE. DD/Online Distribution isn't as secure as physical copies. Nothing can change that, no amount of assurance or added security.
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