Well, I don't think MGS4 is drab but keeps a consistent theme in the same level. For example, the Desert village MP level in MGO has a rather different look to Groznyj Grad and a rather different look to Blood Bath (Blood Bath seems to be a half way point between desert town and Groznyj Grad in terms of colour scheme)
And War isn't colorful, I believe Killzone 2 has captured that right. It does use a fair amount of different colours, but it's not pastel colours like Halo 3. Also, go into any industrial city like up north and try to find a fair amount of colour)
I like them because they're both consistent.
I dislike GeoW's graphics for two main reasons:
Alot of the things look 'plasticky' to find a word.
Locusts = Bad enemies, I honestly prefer the Helghast over them in terms of design.
Extremely small areas, from what we've seen MGS4 is a full battlefield and Killzone 2 has a rather wide area.
Steroid muscle men design = not good.
Gears of War 2 should change this though! Won't change my mind on the Locust or COG art design, I honestly believe the best character models were the stranded. Loving the look on that new spiritual style COG though, going to play him in co-op :)
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