[QUOTE="Zerostatic0"][QUOTE="-D3MO-"][QUOTE="Zerostatic0"][QUOTE="-D3MO-"][QUOTE="Zerostatic0"][QUOTE="magdalene1"]Defending Wii crap by saying that lots of crap also came out on the PS2 just doesn't work for me. You see, in addition to all the crap, the PS2 also had tons of great titles. If you go on gamerankings.com, you will see 47 PS2 titles that have an average rating of 90 or above. 134 PS2 titles have an average rating of 85 or above.-D3MO-
And there are 327 PS2 games that have an average of 59.9 or less on gamerankings. PS2 had almost 5,000 games....327/5,000 = 6.5%....how many Wii games scored less than 59.9%???
Wow, that is a weak arguement, I can take it apart in a number of ways. Lets see . . . . First, there are nowhere near 5,000 PS2 games on gamerankings.com. So you can't simply do 327 /5000 to get the correct percentage because you do not know how many of those 5,000 games would have been rated 59.9% or less . . . . Secondly, any major game would appear on gamerankings.com, so what kind of games do you think are those games that are not accounted for? What games would not get reviewed by major sites and thus appear on gamerankings? WALMART SHOVELWARE FTW!!! If you could get all those throw-away titles reviewed, the percentage would be a lot higher then 6.5%Right now, about 20% of Wii games have a ranking of less then 59.9, and I'll be honest that percentage will go down but will probably always be higher then it's competitors and honestly it'll probably end up being higher then the PS2s because the being a main-stream casual system (like the PS1 and PS2) always attracts shovelware and the Wii is way more main-stream and way more casual then the PS2 was at the same stages of their life-span. However, most people say the PS2 had the best library last gen. Why? Not because it's percentage of crap titles was low (I'd bet the GC and Xbox had lower percentages of crap titles), but because it had a lot of good exclusive games, and I belive the same will hold true for the Wii. So whatever the percentage of crap titles is, it doesn't really matter to us. What matters to us is if it has a lot of quality games. The question is will that happen? The PS2 only 4 titles above 85% in 2000. The Wii has been on the market for less then a year and it also has 4 titles with review averages of 85% or above (with a couple of other ones right around the corner). The Wii definitely started out with less support then the much hyped PS2 so it might take a bit longer to start the upswing, but I think the Wii continue the same trend that the PS2 followed and next year will probably have 20 or so titles with averages of 85% or higher. We'll have to wait and see I guess . . .
So then why are Wii's showelware games being reviewed?
The Wii will have the most showelware EVER....I mean out of the 86 games coming out...maybe 10 will be GOOD....that's a sad reality...
huh? First of all, I guarantee you that not all 86 games coming out this holiday season for the Wii will get reviewed, and it'll be some of the shovelware that doesn't get reviewed, as they often-times do not send copies to review outlets and since it's the holiday season with tons of games being released, review outlets are usually too busy to track done some crappy game to review unlike the rest of the year where they have enough time for stuff like that. Regardless, the bottomline is that roughly the same percentage of PS2 games scored below a 59.9% as Wii games so I think all this stuff being made about the abundance of shovelware on the Wii is being overblown.
I doubt that the PS2=Wii in Shovelware... PS2 Had crap...a lot of crap...but the constant AA and AAA games never made me have to look for a game to purhcase...I could walk into a store and spend hours deciding on which game to buy...w/ the Wii its like u walk into a store...and see 10 games on the shelf worth playing...on a whole 20ft long wall...filled w/ games...that's a red flag imo...
Now maybe the PS2 shovelware wasn't advertised as much...or maybe the PS2 had too many good games...but w/ the Wii u actually have to look for a decent game...
You must have a case of selective amnesia. The PS2 was blasted hard in it's first months on the markets for too many crappy games and nothing really worth buying especially when compared to the Dreamcast. In fact the Wii hasn't even been out for a year and in that timespan it has 3 AAA games (on gamerankings.com). In 2000, of it's 44 games released the PS2 only had 2 AAA games and they were pretty weak at that because they were Madden and SSX. Lets see Madden & SSX versus Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, and Metroid Prime 3? Wii wins that easily. And when you look at the shovelware, the percentages on gamerankings.com are basically the same (both systems had crap games in the 20+% range).Now am I saying that the Wii library will match the PS2 library from a hardcore gamers perspective? No, in fact I don't think it will match the PS2 when it's all said and done because it's even more casual and mainstream then the PS2, however it will have a ton of great games, definitely more then you saw last year and you will see during the holiday. The Wii is poised to be the market leader and with that comes a lot of support both good and bad, just like how the PS2 got a lot of support, both good and bad.
Gamers and the gaming media can't grasp this simple concept, but that's ok, they do the same thing nearly every single generation. Why people don't stop and study the past in the gaming industry is beyond me as many things do repeat themselves.
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