I'm actually having a laugh here, seeing the claims that the Move is 'better' than the Wii... which, incidentally, it is, if the tech behind it is all that we consider. I've tried it out myself, there is a small difference, with the Move being a tad more precise than the Wii.
BUT, if this generation (and the generation before that... and the one before that...) have taught us anything, it's that it's NOT THE TECH THAT MATTERS. It's rather the games that utilize that tech that determine what is 'better' in the long run. You know what? The Move is NOT better than the Wii, even though the Wii w/o Motion PLus employs technology that now looks positively archaic. You know why it isn't better? Because the Move doesn't have any games to match the stellar library the Wii has built over a period of FOUR LONG YEARS.
Think about it- will you find a Twiliht Princess, or a Mario Kart Wii, or a Metoid Prime Corruption, or a No More Heroes, or a Medal of Honor Heroes 2, or a Resident Evil 4, or a Godfather: Black Hand, or a Red Steel 2, or a Wii Sports Resort, or a Little King's Story, or an Okami, or a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or a Super Mario Galaxy on the Move? NO. Some games might even be retropatched for the Move in the future- but they'll never play half as well as Wii titles do, because they weren't designed for the motion controls, like the Wii titles were.
You want to know more? You know why the Move's library can never catch up to the Wii's? Because with it being only an accessory, even if it has a 25% penetration rate (unprecedented in console history, so I highly doubt it will ever achieve that), it will have a potential install base of less than one seventh of the Wii's and of course, only one fourth of the PS3's. No developer would make a game exclusively for the Move, the risk would be too great. So you know what we'll get instead? Either we'll get tacked on motion controls or modes, like the Sixaxis mode in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, or we'll get motion controls that simply will not work as well, because they'll be 'ret patched' in the development process- spending the money to make the games motion compatible from the start simply would not be financially viable.
You know one more reason why the Wii is, and alwayswill be better than the Move? Because the Wii is more than its moton games- there are tons of game that don't utilize the Wiimote, but are still awesome. Look at Monster Hunter Tri or Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Look at Dead Space Extraction. Look at Wiiware or Virtual Console.
The simple fact of the matter is, the Wii is, and always will be, better than either the Move or the Kinect. And there's no refuting that fact, not logically, at least. But well, this is System Wars, so I don't think that last point really stands.
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