There are many, MANY more non-gamers in the world than gamers. Infact, the amount of gamers in the world don't make up more than a couple percent of the worlds population.
Gamers will always be confused as to why the Wii is winning for the simple fact that they are gamers, and have grown accustomed to valuing a consoles worth based on things like like high-end graphics.... they will look at the their respective console, and say things like, "How can the Wii compete with big money, high end next gen games like Gears of War, Halo 3, Lair, MGS 4 ect!" -- listing off an onslaught of graphically superior more hardcore games appearing on their console -- mistakingly thinking that they will somehow make a difference.
Non-gamers don't care about these kinds of games -- they never did, that's why they have yet to determine to become gamers. If Nintendo can penetrate even a tiny portion of them (which they seem to be doing with the Wiimote, Wii-Sports, and other non games) then they will win this console war ten times over.
Stop thinking like a hardcore gamer,
Start thinking outside of the box.
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