It's been over a year since Destiny came out. Loads of criticism and backlash against it by the community notwithstanding, the game has continued to be popular, and Bungie has persistently supported it (albeit cynically) and improved its lot since its release.
Over a year has passed since Destiny has launched, and it is not the game today that it was back then- my question is, one year after its launch, what do you think of Destiny?
Personally, I believe Destiny is a flawed, cynical game that represents all that is wrong with the modern gaming scene. It could have been so much more- all the ingredients are there: it has a great gameplay loop, the loot system can addict players thoroughly, and it imbibes and exemplifies the modern social experience. But Destiny's insistence on extracting every last dime from the player has led to some less than optimal design decisions- content is locked away until you pay for it, game balance is compromised to favor more revenue, and players' achievements are outright undermined and negated so Bungie can get players to invest in new expansion packs, and start afresh.
It's maddening- Destiny is a game I should like, but I don't, because Bungie and Activision have ruined it with cynical decisions. It's basically the mobile game microtransaction mentality that has been translated wholesale into a console game, and it really hurts the game experience. It's a shame, because Destiny could be a great game- but it isn't.
Maybe with Destiny 2 next year.
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