[QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versiontonythestudent
I doubt it
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[QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versiontonythestudent
I doubt it
[QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versiontonythestudent
I doubt it
lmao, you poor lem! 7 toys R'us? did you drive all around state...i dont believe you even a little.[QUOTE="tonythestudent"][QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versiondemonik_360
I doubt it
lmao, you poor lem! 7 toys R'us? did you drive all around state...i dont believe you even a little.It's called a telephone.....welcome to the 19th century :|
[QUOTE="GoodkupoBan"][QUOTE="hockeyruler12"]same here...every gamestop sold out, every best buy sold out...
then i went to wal-mart and they had 20 copies...
:shock: Who shops at Wal-mart?
People that like to pay less.
"35% of the software installed on computers was pirated in 2004"
Things to note about that number.
1: Its absolutely foolish to think that every pirated piece of software is a lost sale. Photoshop for instance is WILDLY pirated. The vast vast majority of these pirates would never buy the software.
2: The % of the market that pirates software is NOT 35%. Most "pirates" pirate... a lot. If i pirate 5 programs per month and someone else buys 1 per month...i think you see the point.
Also, the whole game piracy thing is really skewed. The 360 is the most pirated console since the Playstation, its rediculously easy to pirate games. While the PC most certainly has piracy issues, consoles are quickly developing a severe problem of there own.
[QUOTE="Cali3350"]The 360 is the most pirated console since the Playstation, its rediculously easy to pirate games. .Forza_2
Good luck modding a 360.
(3-year-ring-of-death warranty)
What are you trying to say there? Are you saying it ISNT modded a lot, or going completely off topic of what i said by saying its a bad idea?
FYI - if you know how to mod your console you know how to fix it. the 'RROD' is easily fixed by reseating your heatsink.
What are you trying to say there? Are you saying it ISNT modded a lot, or going completely off topic of what i said by saying its a bad idea?FYI - if you know how to mod your console you know how to fix it. the 'RROD' is easily fixed by reseating your heatsink.
I kinda doubt that. I remember Peter saying that it is not just one problem which causes the ROD.
It's not a good idea to mod a console that's not too reliable.
[QUOTE="Cali3350"]What are you trying to say there? Are you saying it ISNT modded a lot, or going completely off topic of what i said by saying its a bad idea?FYI - if you know how to mod your console you know how to fix it. the 'RROD' is easily fixed by reseating your heatsink.
I kinda doubt that. I remember Peter saying that it is not just one problem which causes the ROD.
It's not a good idea to mod a console that's not too reliable.
The problem is overheating caused by the heatsink bending out of contact with the motherboard. Put a new, sturdy piece of metal on there and remount. Voila, problem solved. M$ wont do it because itll cost about $12 per console and increase the repair time. Newer motherboards have an epoxy applied to the motherboard, but still no peace of metal.
well see I alread have hl2 and ep1 so its not such good value, still deciding wheather its worth the extra $20 for tf2 and portal over just getting ep2.
This is common amung pc gamers since they all have hl2 which reduces its value. Also you will never know what version sold best since a lot of them will sell over steam and those sales are counted in sales charts
well see I alread have hl2 and ep1 so its not such good value, still deciding wheather its worth the extra $20 for tf2 and portal over just getting ep2.
This is common amung pc gamers since they all have hl2 which reduces its value. Also you will never know what version sold best since a lot of them will sell over steam and those sales are counted in sales charts
Portal is $20,TF2 is $30,and HL2:E2 is $30.So even if you already own HL2 and Episode one it's a really good deal.
"35% of the software installed on computers was pirated in 2004"
You think half of thoese people will actually buy it?
It will prolly sell better on 360 at least in USA, tho the game being sold out doesn't necessarily mean anything, maybe they just didn't ship enough of them in the first place. Anyway, it's very difficult to compare since PC game sales are nearly impossible to track. Doesn't really matter other than if the 360 versions clearly outsells the PC version Valve might make EP3 (or whatever their next project is) for 360 mainly and PC gets a bad port. EntwineX
I don't think Valve will screw their fans like that
See hermits? This is why consoles >>> PCs. Its just more convenient.Cedmln
How is it more convenient?
I bought the game, downloaded it, and played it mere minutes after its launch (not to mention the early release of TF2). I didn't have to shop around looking for a store that still had copies, nor did I have to install it.
...and we get the unified servers/friends lists/achievements/stat tracking/whatever - all for free.
...and we got to play TF2 early...and got a bonus Peggle game, too.
...and we get mods, which mean that we'll have more than 6 maps for TF2 (also, co-op mode for Episode 2, more puzzles for Portal, and anything else you could think of).
...and its cheaper.
We got the better deal, and it was also 'more convenient' for us to just buy it on Steam.
[QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versionBobHipJames
For zero good reason. The Xbox 360 version has fixed resolution, framerate, and graphics, no mods, have to pay to play online, plus controller+d-pad, Xbox Live (the s**ts...).
pirates steal and download all their pc games. thats prolly why 360 will outsell the pc version.[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versionmunsoned
For zero good reason. The Xbox 360 version has fixed resolution, framerate, and graphics, no mods, have to pay to play online, plus controller+d-pad, Xbox Live (the s**ts...).
pirates steal and download all their pc games. thats prolly why 360 will outsell the pc version.I doubt that theory, HL2 sold great and most people looking at OB will get it for TF2 since they already have HL2, Steam games are harder to pirate and multiplayer Steam games ..not even sure if it's possible.360 sales will at least seem higher because these things usually only take NA market into consideration, and because nearly all PC gamers already have HL2, and because a lot of PC gamers bought it via Steam, PC games also tend to sell for a longer period of time in opposite to the massive sales consoles get in the first week.
Current US Best Sellers, 08 October 2007
1.Halo 3 Microsoft (Xbox 360)
2.The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Nintendo (DS)
3.The Orange Box EA (PC)
4.Super Smash Bros. Brawl* Nintendo (Wii)
5.Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo (DS)
6.Wii Play w/ Remote Nintendo (Wii)
7.Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo (DS)
8.Halo 3 Ltd. Edition Microsoft (Xbox 360)
9.Nancy Drew: The Legend of the Crystal Skull Her Interactive (PC)
10.The Orange Box EA (Xbox 360)
^^ Everyone must be buying the Steam version, then. Online sales aren't tracked, and Steam is insanely popular.
Oh, hang on, the PC is outselling the 360 version...without counting Steam sales. Not that that suprises me - it's a PC series.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"]It is easy.VandalvideoNo, its not.
Yes it is.
I wonder why the hell Steam never got a good piracy protection system. You can easily hack the game and play it online on severs that don't require steam auth.
[QUOTE="xXHackettXx"][QUOTE="Reyes360"][QUOTE="MikeE21286"]Game is sold out everywhere around me......2 Best Buys and 7 Toys R us Stores (7 :shock: ) I have a feeling it is gonna sell more than the PC versionBobHipJames
Im debating on which to get, I have a sick PC and I know it will look best on the PC, but I do love my 360 live community.
I'd get it for Xbox Live so you can play with people on your friends list and use voice chat. It will look better on the PC but i'd rather play it on my 360 and 51 inch hdtv.I'd stop lying to the guy. No mods, Steam WTFPwns Xbox Live (please don't argue this, because you don't know what you're talking about). Voice chat is integral to PC gaming....and you don't have to use the PoS Microsoft official headset (which is ridiculously overpriced for what you get). Steam games have a unified friend's list and in-game chat. Face it, Xbox Live is already outdated and closed network systems are for 12 year olds who don't want freedom or uniqueness in their gameplay and accessorization.
Don't get the jaggy mess that will be the console versions.
Oh, yeah, and price: even at Gamestop, the PC version is $50, the 360 version is $60. Why screw yourself? Not to mention: at Fry's, the 360 version was $60, the PC version was $37. If you had pre-ordered via Steam the PC version would be $45, plus TF2 beta. Prices are skewed in favor of the PC.
To bad already got the X360 version and love it.[QUOTE="MikeE21286"][QUOTE="turgore"][QUOTE="-Tretiak"]Any comparisons between the 360 sales and PC sales are bound to be skewed, though. Most PC gamers have already bought Half-Life 2 and Episode One so they may not buy the whole Orange Box. Not to mention the Steam sales subtract largely from the retail sales.Vandalvideo
Not to mention piracy.
Yeah....piracy completely KILLS PC sales IMO. I mean its so easy to find a pirated copy of a PC game that it's almost begging you to pirate it.
Because its SOOOOOOO easy to pirate games that require steam AUTH. Oh yaeh.Long ago I was looking at some P2P servers (Europe) and found lot of pirated copies of HL2
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