dammit can any game beat zelda.
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dammit can any game beat zelda.
dammit can any game beat zelda.i-lick-monkeys
Zelda: OoT scored more perfect 10 scores than it did in the 9.0-9.9 bracket, and absolutely nothing less than 9.0.
this is madness....
it wont last
You may be new around here, but its been beaten to death man.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.Lilac_Benjie
Zelda: OoT scored more perfect 10 scores than it did in the 9.0-9.9 bracket, and absolutely nothing less than 9.0.
are only hope is mass effect
Funny how the 360 version is the one that is always on the GR top 10 when every site/publication says the PC version is best.Kahuna_1
it has a higher score
[QUOTE="Kahuna_1"]Funny how the 360 version is the one that is always on the GR top 10 when every site/publication says the PC version is best.bman784
I doubt the PC version was reviewed by OXM and PC mags would naturally give the PC version less because of how old HL2 is.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.Lilac_Benjie
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews. If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1 on gamerankings.
[QUOTE="SgtWhiskeyjack"]Take the top spot? No, Beat Zelda OOT in being a better game? That happened a long time ago.SeanBond
Yeah, it happened when A Link to the Past came out. ;)
:oops: that's what I meant.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.redCloudJ7
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews.If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1.
All the major publications gave it 10s...it would still be #1, hell it would probably have a slightly higher %.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.redCloudJ7
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews.If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1.
I also think reviewing standards have changed as well as the general standard and choice of games is higher. I don't think there is a lot of scope left for innovation these days.
[QUOTE="Kahuna_1"]Funny how the 360 version is the one that is always on the GR top 10 when every site/publication says the PC version is best.i-lick-monkeys
it has a higher score
actually it doesnt....
the PC version just has less reviews though...because many sites decided to review the games independently.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.Kahuna_1
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews.If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1.
All the major publications gave it 10s...it would still be #1, hell it would probably have a slightly higher %.
If you honestly believe that it would be slightly higher with100 plus reviews..............you are delusional.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.SgtWhiskeyjack
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews.If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1.
I also think reviewing standards have changed as well as the general standard and choice of games is higher. I don't think there is a lot of scope left for innovation these days.
True. The standards have increased greatly.
This thread makes me think I am visiting Last, last gen S.W. :lol:
Seems like something that would be more fitting on the Wii boards but maybe that is just me.
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.redCloudJ7
No. Ocarina of Time was revolutionary.
How can any game beat these review scores?
Its because of OOT's number of reviews.If it had over one-hundred it would not be # 1.
All the major publications gave it 10s...it would still be #1, hell it would probably have a slightly higher %.
If you honestly believe that it would be slightly higher with100 plus reviews..............you are delusional.
OoT has more reviews than most other games in that list. 31 is a lot man.
OoT has more reviews than most other games in that list. 31 is a lot man.Lilac_Benjie
Are you talking about the top 10 gamerankings list? OOT has more reviews than 4 games . OOT has less reviews than 5 games on that list.
It has the fifth least reviews in the top 10. Or sixth most reviews in the top ten list. Either way youwant to spin it.So no it does not have more reviews than most other games on the list.
Especially if we are going by 20 reviews or less.
The number of reviews things is subjective as hell. Metroid Prime did very well and came close to it when it was released. Why? Because it was a revolutionary experience. What people don't realize is that when Zelda OOT came out is was more then one of the best games of its era. It brought revolutionary concepts to gaming as well.
Since everything has pretty much been done its going to be hard to ever beat Zelda OOT. Not only would you need a great amazing game. You would need a game that defines and revolutionizes gaming in itself. For that is what Zelda OOT did.
The problem here is that you are assuming things. Ocarina MAY have fallen had it recieved more reviews, or its average may have risen.. one cannot know for sure.
Ocarina of Time is more often then not featured as #1(or in the top 5) of most critics "best games of all time" lists.. I don't see why people are trying to dismiss its gamerankings score.. check out gamespots "bests games" feature, particularly the ocarina of time entry.. they even flat out say that not considering OoT as a runner for the best game is a crime. Seriously, this game was that good and that perfect for its time..
Maybe you could compare reviews from sites that gave reviews for ocarina and orange box? would that give the orange box supporters piece of mind? Actually, i'm interested myself to see if OoT would hold up under this(let alone if there are enough similar sources).
The number of reviews things is subjective as hell.Blackbond
What are you talking about?
What people don't realize is that when Zelda OOT came out is was more then one of the best games of its era. It brought revolutionary concepts to gaming as well. Blackbond
Who said it didn't?
[QUOTE="i-lick-monkeys"]dammit can any game beat zelda.Lilac_Benjie
Zelda: OoT scored more perfect 10 scores than it did in the 9.0-9.9 bracket, and absolutely nothing less than 9.0.
Yeah but how much reviews does it have? IMO on that list Metroid Prime is number one with 91 reviews. Zelda's game has 31 only. I think Prime's score with 3 times the reviews is more impressive IMO.
OOT only has 31 reviews, that's why it can't be beaten. look at bioshock, it was #1 for a while but as it got more reviews it went down. the same would of happened with OOT if it got more reviews.ItalStallion777
Thats what people fail to realize.
The problem here is that you are assuming things. Ocarina MAY have fallen had it recieved more reviews, or its average may have risen.. one cannot know for sure.
True but Metroid Prime is the best scores game with a high number of reviews so to me it's number one by default. Especially with it being a later released game and having it have a much harder time getting a good score.
Man, I'm so glad Bioshock it out of the top 10. It was a solid 9.0, but DEFINITELY NOT one of the top ten best games ever made.OregonTrailing
i agree,that game was dissapointing
[QUOTE="blahzor"]The problem here is that you are assuming things. Ocarina MAY have fallen had it recieved more reviews, or its average may have risen.. one cannot know for sure.
True but Metroid Prime is the best scores game with a high number of reviews so to me it's number one by default. Especially with it being a later released game and having it have a much harder time getting a good score.
oh that is no doubt impressive, and i don't mean to discredit prime.. but, despite ocarina's limited reviews, is there really any doubt it would hold up well otherwise, if more sources existed then. It was constantly raved about, and is still to this day.. gamespot has even said themselves, as i said in my last post, that to not call it one of the greatest games ever is criminal.
Regardless, we cannot dismiss OoT simply because there were not as many review sources back then. Especially since it tops most critics "greatest games" list, usually only topelled by the original super mario brothers.
In my opinion, there is really little reason to debate this.. there is no way of knowing if ocarina would fall, remain neutral or even clime if there were more review sources at the time of its release. As such, it is unfair to simply assume the orange box or other would score better. It is gamerankings top rated game, but that doesn't mean it is THEE best game ever.. and that's where the debate comes in, just so long as it's not clouded with personal preference.
I dont' agree with that last statement exactly. Zelda had less concepts to build off of. Not many 3d adventure games came before zelda that were that good; nor had many 3d games come before itthat controlled so fluidly. I believe zelda was one of the first games to have such technical details(huge worlds, unique characters and facial expersions, and all the attention to details), huge scope, and excellent combat mechanics. Some of these things are seen as second nature today.. someonelooks at Twilight princess attention to detail, for instance, and isn't terribly impressed, that is because it was made standard. But it didn't used to be so, and there in lies the difficulty of creating a game with such concepts and why oot is so impressive. Back to the mechanics, Zelda invented Z targeting, Prime used that. So, a mechanic prime used to make the game flow so well was created by zelda. If zelda's competiion was lesser, that is because they were doing less.. obviously, which meant zelda had to create more, rather then perfect existing concepts. Granted, that is not to say prime didn't invent either, but mearly that though it may seem prime had harder standards, it also had more to look back on for inspiration in one way or another.. that is to say, it is just as hard then as it is now.. at least. I hope that made sense, i'm rather tired and found it more difficult to convey my thoughts then i, well, thought.
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