[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"] I'm not sure if I should take you seriously any more considering you just said Shattered Horizon is "mehnothing spectacular" yet you are impressed with some Halo Reach screens. Now I'm not talking about gameplayor anything, butsoley visuals. And scale does not mean other aspects to thegraphics have to suffer. Also the amount of team mates and AI is not impressive what so ever when you look at a game like ARMA II which can have upwards of 1700 AI in massiveenviorments with high quality visuals.
I am not talking about Arma II im talking about SH,and yes i dont find it impressive.Know why?Because god damn PC has up to ten times more memory for textures and game in general,it has more then 10 times more powerful gpus so no,i dont find it impressive.I find impressive Crysis and Arma II but SH,no.And thats why imimpressed with screens,that and the fact that this is gutted engine running on console 10 times less powerful then your PC,but i dont think its 10 times less impressive then SH.
"And scale does not mean other aspects to thegraphics have to suffer"
And how is that?Good luck rendering big sandbox environments with details and performance of scene with carefully designed single path linear scripted games.
When will you guys stop comparing PC and consoles in terms of capabilities?
SH is on a much higher technical level than any console game and its engine (3Dmark Vantage Engine) is capable of a lot of things. Also being apart of acronuats and I can tell you some of the new things being tested are more along the lines of the benchmark. The scale, lighting, phsysics and visuals in SH are on a level above any other PC game aside from Crysis. And maybe for consoles scale/visuals have to suffer, but PC you can create that high detail. And you ask why we compare PC and Consoles, well its because this is System Wars. Not Console Wars, I use my PC to game the same way I'd use my Console so I see no reason why you would have to separate them, eventhough consoles have limited hardware.So you use your PC how ever you want,its just that you dont have to point so obvious that PC and SH are more technically advance then anything on consoles,its well known fact.But that does not mean Reach is not impressive(ok for you its not,for others it is).The thing is i find UC2 more impressive then SH.Yes SH has better lightning,textures...but i find UC2 better looking game,and most of all,FAR more fun to play,so its all about opinions,games looking impressive on PC does not make console game less impressive.
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