Im not console idiot, i have better rig than you
Consoles just simply have better games, im not bashing PC
Any proof of that? Not saying my rig is amazing or anything, but hey I have multiple rigs, consoles, and handhelds. But yeah you are an idiot and a fanboy. The way you write tells me that. Also, how does you having a better rig (which I doubt you do) equal to you being any less of an idiot?
And how is ignoring 90 games on a platform (and essentially calling the garbage) not bashing and not being a fanboy? Really bud? Both the PC and the consoles get quality exclusives, but the PC just has more of them. Exactly how do consoles have better games? An AAA exclusive is an AAA game no matter what platform its on. But again, you are being a fanboy and not thinking logically. Then again, clearly you are a cow, heh rating Whiteknight a 10 (a pure garbage game) and rating Halo Reach a 1 (wow really?). What exclusives are so much superior on consoles? Cant answer that? Thought so...
How does my gaming taste make me a idiot?
It seems that i just happen to hate everything you love
There just aren't any excellent games on PC this year except Diablo 3 which is only timed exclusive
Consoles just have much better library with games like Last Guardian, The Last Of Us, Metal Gear Revengeance, Tales Of Graces F, Ni No Kuni, Dragon's Dogma, FFXIII-2 etc
What I got out of that post is that you like JRPGS and Japanese (other than the Last of Us) games (which I personally hate, hate the art stile of Japanese developers and the characters they have in JRPGS, but I can concur/admit that they are quality games even though I personally do not like them). But, ignoring the quality of the titles on another platform, or in your case essentially saying "it has no quality games" even though it does is logically fallacious. By using your logic, I could say "PC have higher quality exclusives than consoles, and consoles have no quality exclusives this year, because there are no MMO's, RTS's and Sims on the consoles". See the flaw in your logic? As for Metal Gear Revengeance, seriously? It does not look like a bad game, but neither does it look like a good game (based on trailers). Also, historically speaking, well this gen, Japanese made games (specifically JRPGS) have been average at best (based on the scores awarded by reviewers).
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