Well yesterday I finished the greatest FPS ever made, and when I say that, I'm actually being sarcastic. Which you already know what PS3 exclusive I am talking about. Lets get started here. First off this game clocks in about 7 hours and 4 minutes,whichit doesn't really get interesting until the mid point. I won't give anyspoilers, but the game does lack something, and it's called depth. I have played the original, and yes this is a good follow up to the original story, butcomeon it's not epic. If you want epic story, then look at MGS 4, that is the best game this generation. Killzone 2 is stuck in between trying to be COD4, Halo, and Gears. The game really doesn't have it's own identity. With that said, I do believe it is the best PS3 shooter, but not the best console shooter. As far agraphicsgo it is pretty, but if you take a look a textures and character models "BLEH". Killzone 2 has great lighting, but under all that it looks like $%!^. If you don't believe I have played it, I will post pics up tomorrow, and prove it. I can even tell you everything about the game if you want. As an owner of all three next gen systems I 'm not gonna pick sides, because I play games to have fun. I'm a true gamer, and if you call your self a real gamer then there wouldn't be anything called system wars. I'm open to discussion.
Gamer Tag: pants06
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