Cover: Unreal Tournament III
There is a few Rock Band screens (First Look)
Xbox 360 Games Dirt - 9.0
Call of Juarez - 6.0
Spider-Man 3 - 6.5
Pirates of the Caribbean: AWE - 5.5
Xbox Live Arcade: Soltrio Solitaire - 6.0
Discs of Tron - 8.0
Tron - 7.0
Gyruss - 5.5
Track & Field - 3.0
DL Content: Halo 2 Maps - Buy
Guitar Hero Track Packs - Buy
Rumor Mole - New arcade games coming; Quake III: Team Arena, Super C, and Vigilante 8 are expected to be among them.
- Look for the Video Marketplace to come to Windows Vista later this year.
- 360 price drop on all 3 SKUs around November 22nd.
- Oblivion GoTY Edition to come out next March with all of the downloadable content including Shivering Isles.
Taken from NeoGafÂ
It's only a rumor, but it seems very specific--and we all know how Microsoft is about keeping things quiet (Halo 3, Elite, Zune, 360, etc).Â
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