@sSubZerOo said:
Absolutely. You seem not to understand that money is poisoning the industry.. In which publishers have pushed for the bottom line in pushing ridiculous funds into projects with ridiculous expectations leading to titles being repeats of past ones, causing stagnation.. You seem not to get, the path that the industry is currently heading is NOT sustainable.. It is a giant bubble in which consumers are going to slowly dwindle due to the fact that these games are at best re-iterations of the past ones, or at worse took steps back to dumb it down. Furthermore this wouldn't happen because the 3ds is currently dominating the handheld market, and quite literally it is only up until recently nintendo has reported a loss in over 2 decades.. We can't say the same for the Microsoft or Sony game divisions lol which have posted constant losses in the past decade..
The growth and expectations is not just absurd it is unrealistic and unsustainable. And I present exhibit A) Order 1886: 5.0 on gamespot. For all the reasons I have been saying it was going to suck like all the "big budget" "cinematic" games have been like for the past several years... And much of the Wii U's problem is lack of 3rd party support because the publishers are riding the gravy train of a very simple equation to create supposed record profits.. With this bigger and bigger push, we are going to see a crash in the industry..
I think Mirko already did a great job above explaining why profits are not about hitting some number just to flash around or contribute to prideful feelings. All companies want and need to sell a certain amount to not only break even, but go beyond that point to actually begin earning real profit. It also determines the future of many of these games. Wonderful 101 or ZombiU not being able to pass 1 million is a disappointment to fans of that game and the studio. Gamers may likely never see any sequel just because Platinum and Ubisoft did not make enough to recover costs (and the low sales seems to indicate to them an overall tepid interest in their new IP, making the chance for a sequel pretty much zero). And you also seem to forget how much money from these sales don't even go straight into the pockets of Nintendo, Sony, MS and gaming studios. A significant portion of every game or console sale goes right to Amazon, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. Throw in overhead costs and we can easily see that making a profit is hard, and this isn't a new thing. It's been a hard all the time - since you were playing Goldeneye 64, GTA III or Halo 1 back in the day (and there were no Kickstarters or indies, so for every curse you have for today's "restrictive" or "destructive" industry, there are also options and channels that exist for creative devs that weren't there before too).
And while 18.5 million console sales for the PS4 sounds great, you now need to take that revenue and begin chopping it in half (I don't know the actual retailer cut for consoles, but for now, just imagine how much Sony doesn't get back, despite those record-high numbers). Once again, you have to sell quite a few just to begin making meaningful profit for the company.
No you do not. You can lower your costs and make smaller budget games.. Budget does not equate to quality.. In fact many would argue as these games get more expensive they are getting more streamlined and dumbed down..
These are not whimsically-determined numbers pulled out of the air by gamers. It will depend on the game and manufacturing costs for each console, but there are certain averages that they should be hitting.
Bioshock Infinite or GTA V selling 1-2 million across all platforms is just not good enough.
Wrong, it depends entirely on the budget.. That is the problem I am pointing out.. That these games are getting so astronomically expensive that it requires absurd goals to be made.. We aren't talking about 1 to 2 million sold.. We are talking about the expectations of selling 5 to 10 million+ for brand new franchises..
That's disastrous. It will jeopardize the future of the series if every GTA, Halo and Uncharted only sold 1-2 million.
... Your talking about established franchises with massive budgets.. The original GTA, Halo and Uncharted did not have expectations far from that.. They are established.. But quite literally we are getting devs and publishers pushing for a EXPECTED 5 to 10 million+ easy on new games because they sunk a fortune in it.. A fortune I might add that has caused them to take little to no risks what so ever.. Outside the fact that dumbasses would eat up their shitty copies of games.
We wouldn't even be getting the many AAA sequels that we've enjoyed if the studios were not successful and profitable in the first place.
You make that sound as if it is a bad thing.. When it isn't.. AAA has been synomous with streamline, dumbed down, "cinematic" garbage.. Games that have become too big to fail because they will sink the company that is pushing it through. I don't know what the biggest tragedy, that the one company who refuses to jump on the shitty streamlined bandwagon is struggling for the first time in decades, or that shitty games like Bioshock Infinite (another AAA) is seen as successful even though it falls into the exact same typical shit that we have been seeing for years.. Meanwhile a single guy who developed a simple game in comparison, Minecraft, has sold infinitely more and is one of the most recognized games out there.. All with a minuscule budget. I always felt this doom and gloom to be incredibly shortsighted and ironic.. After the amount of struggling Sony and Microsoft have gone through the past decade.. In which Sony took MASSIVE losses and so did Microsoft's gaming division..
Right there you can tell there is a very real, objective number that exists.
No there isn't.. Your talking out of your ass now.. Lets look at the MMO genre, really the easiest example we can look at.. Before WoW the MMO genre was niche but very healthy with successful ones ranging in from around 500k to 1 million subscribers. WoW comes out and becomes a instant hit netting upwards to 10 million subscribers.. This suddenly becomes the fucking benchmark that numerous MMOs budgeted for in trying to copy.. SWTOR is a huge example of this.. In what fucking world is that considered a "real" and "reachable" objective to suddenly put that kind of expectation which was nonexistent up until recently for one game? It is why we saw numerous devs try to hop onto the bandwagon in trying to copy WoW's success more or less, and failing miserably.. Not just for being medicore games, but having ridiculous expectations.
Like I said, how many millions of units needed will vary, depending on the game, studio and other factors, but it's a real set point that isn't defined by some random guy on the computer. Sure, 1-2 million of anything sounds like a lot, but I know that's just not enough to cover production costs for many AAA games. Again, not a new thing, or exclusive to gaming. Movies require a certain amount of ticket sales and success in the home video market, and TV requires a certain level of viewership. Newspapers and magazines need good circulation to continue, and restaurants need patronage. None of them would enjoy dwindling numbers.
That is EXACTLY my damned point that seems to be going over your head.. AAA Franchises are NOT sustainable for a number of reasons. A) Extremely high production costs B) Extremely high expectations. C) Due to A and B the developer is UNWILLING to take risks and continues to regurgitate the same thing.. Until consumers stop buying it, leading to their collapse.. This is fucking text book.. Look at Crytek's history.. Crysis 1 outsold their realistic expecations.. But they didn't like it and felt they could make more money.. Fast forward to Ryse, a shitty QTE game that cost a fortune and barely sold because it was crap.. ARE WE SEEING patterns here folks?
If you're saying greedy video game publishers like EA and Ubisoft have deranged the original purpose and heart of gaming, making budgets skyrocket and just ruining everything, I will agree that there are examples of greediness, but I also think you're exaggerating.
Exaggerating? We are seeing massive uses of DLC content in milking franchises.. We literally have numerous evidence of the "gaming journalism" in bed with the devs and publishers.. AND FINALLY these are publicly traded companies.. Their goal is to make as much money as possible to make their shareholders and board happy. PERIOD. They would sell dog shit in a box if they could get away with it.
I'm willing to bet in the last five years you've enjoyed quite a few high budget AAA games.
Yes, but as time goes on less and less for the specific reasons I am pointing out.. They are becoming the same fucking games.... Is it little wonder that the indie market is literally exploding these past few years? There are of course good ORIGINAL titles in the AAA franchises, but they are getting less and less as time goes on.
You said yourself you prefer the PC over PS4/X1, so I imagine you have a good set up to enjoy the best visuals that you can possibly get.
Nope midrange system.
Well, that didn't come free or cheap at all, and the high production values we like in franchises like Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Batman Arkham and other games wouldn't happen if the studios that created them constantly put up dismally low figures with their previous games.
... Uh what? Mass Effect and Batman Arkham were not ground breaking visual games.. They never were, even at their release.... Mass Effect 1: Smallest budget of the series, actually sold the most.. The sales dwindled down overall through the second and third installment.. Assassin's Creed: The latest one is considered one of the largest disappointments in the franchise and isn't selling well due to negative pub.. This isn't about putting dismally low figures.. This is about having realistic BUDGETS AND EXPECTATIONS..
Furthermore define "dismally" low expectations.. Because just recently a rpg for instance that came out with more content than most AAA's, Divinity Original Sin,sold past sales expectations by selling 1 to 2 million copies for a SINGLE platform. Something your trying to claim isn't correct or is a failure. Than we have a group of modders who did Black Mesa Source for freaking FREE with more polish than top budgeted AAA games..
And when I mentioned that MK8 or SSBU were not hitting higher numbers, I don't mean to make it sound like they were complete failures. Clearly many people bought and enjoyed those games. But as Mirko mentioned, even comparing it to Nintendo's own past sales (who themselves are supposed to be juggernauts, to use your description), it could've and should've been better. Not to momentarily reward some ego, but to reward the devs and Nintendo, and to enough gain profit to comfortably finance whatever future projects (and creative risks) they wish to take on.
And there it is folks on why this logic needs to fucking die.. Its economics people.. You have a budget.. You use this budget for said service to create a profit.. And if the costs to do said thing are greater than profit, you adjust accordingly.. With this kind of logic every indie dev, every small developer out there should never have started.. Because obviously they "deserve" to be rewarded.. This is a damn business, "reward" has absolutely fucking NOTHING to do with creating a sustainable business and industry.. The fact of the matter is this.. It took many of the morons out there to realize after gamersgate that the "gaming journalism" was in bed with the developers and publishers.. That is the point.. These games are just costing a fortune to make now but they are spending a fortune to advertise and push for pre-orders..
Profits, consumer satisfaction, growth. This is kind of the universal language of business that Google, Apple, MS, Sony, Nintendo, Samsung and everyone else agrees upon. Not sure why these simple rules suddenly need to be reevaluated when even Nintendo fans agreed upon them at the start. When the Wii U was about to launch two years ago, no one said "I hope all of these third parties leave right away, and the Wii U hardware and software sales are the lowest in Nintendo's history, and the overall MK8 and SSBU's sales potential is clipped short and ends up lower than the GCN totals."
Yet again point went right over your head.. This isn't about Nintendo shrinking, this is about Nintendo actually creating their own path instead of going into the AAA circle jerk.. In which these companies are releasing sub par games at enourmous budgets of games we really have been playing for over 7 years.. All while giving "gaming journalists" nice kickbacks just so they can promote their product so you dupes can pre-order this shit not realizing it was a unfinished game until you already have it... This is causing a bubble in which these games are getting too big that if they were to fail the publisher/dev group would go bankrupt... Capcom is a fucking huge example of this entire trend.. Of dumbing down of franchises (or outright abandoning them) in the goal for massive sales increase by creating poor games because they just happened to notice the CoD bandwagon is going strong.. That is the problem with the industry currently, namely the AAA market.. It has become a industry of bandwagon trends all to appease executives and stockholders in giving their next massive pay day.. It isn't suddenly coincidence with the explosion of popularity with games like Clash of Clans that we are seeing all these companies like EA trying to hop onto the mobile market in creating shitty games.
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