At this point the only people still "hyped" for Titanfail are lems with no games and corrupt journalists who are just thupar mad that people are laughing at the Brink with mechs clone they're shilling for.
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At this point the only people still "hyped" for Titanfail are lems with no games and corrupt journalists who are just thupar mad that people are laughing at the Brink with mechs clone they're shilling for.
MS will handle the marketing as they will ensure its huge with their own money. Titanfall will get the Halo treatment in terms of endorsements and advertising, especially during the Super Bowl. As for Titanfall 2, I stand by the claim that if the game moves Xbox One systems they will prioritize it and write the check. Don't live in fantasy land that MS can't or wont do this, or that EA/Respawn don't have a price. If the higher ups at MS deem Titanfall to be greatly important to the early and mid-gen success of the platform, they will write the necessary check. Do you see Gears on any PS system? No. Epic owns it, so why not since there's 80 million PS3's? MS money. It worked then, it'll work here. But only if Titanfall is a absolute monster.
4.2 million systems sold is awesome. 3 million is less awesome, but still awesome. Sony being in dire financial trouble isn't awesome. MS being worth 200 billion is.
I don't see Titanfall moving xbox one,the game is on xbox 360 and PC there is no reason to drop $620 dollars to play it on xbox one,the game is not even great looking so graphics is not a selling point with this game.
Most people will get this game on xbox 360.
Gears deadl is completely different to Titanfall deal and EA make that very clear when they stated only Titanfall was exclusive and not the sequel,did Epic claimed that for Gears.? Hell MS isn't even publishing Titanfall EA is,Gears was publish by MS so i hope you get the difference there.
Remember what happen with Mass Effect.? Even that MS publish it when EA took over the game was release on PS3,so yeah EA likes money and unless MS pay for each copy of the game that could be sold on PS4,i don't see EA wanting a sequel to be exclusive i can see exclusive content like always,but not exclusivity for the sequel.
Dude WTF MS hasn't won a single generation with all its billions i already told you that..
Windows phones losing.
Windows tablets losing.
Zune dead.
xbox loss.
Xbox 360 loss.
xbox one losing.
Having billions doesn't dictate what people want,all the contrary is a shame that a company with financial problems is actually beating one that doesn't have them,the gap isn't bigger because sony has no more units to sell,if not it would probably be 5 million vs 3 already if not bigger,and to think the unit is not even on Japan yet.
My best guess is 6 – 10 million units, depending upon the game review scores. If it gets above a 90, it will likely be at the high end of that range, below an 80, at the low end
those are some very big expectations. that would put TF as the next gears or if scoring high enough, the next Halo.
It'll sell over 6 million on the Xbox 360 alone. The score won't matter much.
how the hell will it sell 6-10 million and the xbone total sales are 3mil. and not every xbone owner will buy the game
It's on 3 platforms (PC, XBox 360 & XB1). The XBox 360 has over 80+ million consoles sold, so it'll easily hit 6 million on that platform.
The value of Sony's stock and its corporation wide financial issues do have a bearing on console wars if it takes an even deeper turn for the worse as this year progresses. The 360 outsold the PS3 by the time the One was released, hence winning the HD wars of last gen. Game quality is in the eyes of the beholder, but only Uncharted, TLOU, and God of War ever caught my eye as I do feel MS has better games that fit my tastes. Brute force is how business works man. How do you think MS got to be worth 200 billion? How do you think Sony got in the shape they are in?
Enjoy Sony and its PS systems as they are great products. But don't live in the fantasy land that their financial situation isn't cause for concern, or at the very least keeping an eye on.
To close, I believe TitanFall sill sell between 5 and 7 million and never see the light of day on a PS console. We shall see who's right in a year, lol.
No it will not and MS with all its billions hasn't won a single generation.
The xbox 360 and PS3 ended tied even that Sony release 1 years latter at $600 dollars when MS had a $300 dollar options,imagine if sony now had a $199 PS4 vs a $500 xbox one,yeah that happen last gen and still they end tied.
There was no HD wars you butthurt lemming MS loss shamefully to Nintendo who was in even worse position when the 360 generation started or have you forgot how the original xbox outsold the gamecube on the PS2 generation.?
So saying HD wars trying to leave the Wii out is a desperation move by you lemmings Sony and MS both loss,at least the PS3 was $600 the same year the wii release,but what was MS excuse for losing when they could have lower on 2006 the core unit to $250 to match the wii,hell at $300 it was just $50 more,the whole 1 year head started serve them for nothing they got it even worse.
Once again dude having endless billions doesn't warranty success,MS is losing in the phones,tablets and console market,they haven't won a single generation.
The PS4 outselling the xbox one is killing you,but but the endless billions of MS sony will go bye bye next year...hahaha
4.2 >>>>>>>>>>> 3.0 and thank god sony doesn't have more units to sell.
windows phone gaining ground actually, but never mind, facts aren't your strong point.
And Lol, MAss effect, a trilogy, who's main selling point was being able to carry through a character created in the first game right through to the final......released back to front on PS3 hahaha.
Fact are not my strong points.? What did i claim.?
Windows phones losing.
Please explain to me how the fu** that is not a fact windows phone losing how is not,oh my god look at that Windows is has almost double its numbers since lst year from 2.1 to 4.1,funny enough the increase Android got during the same period is what 3 times as big as the one MS got.?
From 75 to 81,a whole 6 points when MS didn't even won 2 complete points.?
Wait what MS shipped 10 million phones.? holy crap that is incredible watch out Android here comes Windows phones
10 million miserable phones vs 204 million of Android,there weren't even close to Apple who sold 3 times more phones,the beating MS is taking in the phone market is actually way way bigger than the one they got in the PS2 era.
But i guess Facts are not my
Oh yeah i forgot what the fu** is Blackberry.? Do those people even make phones any more.?
Hey you know what All windows phones account for the same number of units sold by Sony xperia Z alone,and to add salt to that wound the xperia Z was available only 1 months of those sales only on
Even sony xperia Z line is beating MS windows phones,oh and while been just 1 month out in that sales
The xperia is not even close to be the top selling Android phone,so yeah windows sucks no one wants then.
My best guess is 6 – 10 million units, depending upon the game review scores. If it gets above a 90, it will likely be at the high end of that range, below an 80, at the low end
those are some very big expectations. that would put TF as the next gears or if scoring high enough, the next Halo.
Microsoft knows they have a good product here and they are going to put millions of dollars in marketing behind this game, which will result in sales numbers like this. How much a new IP sells has a lot to do with public perception before release and they will make sure it happens. Regardless of quality, the marketing will be the biggest impact on sales.
The only way I can see this flopping is if the game releases broken and glitchy.
No way in hell this game sells that well.... lol
Way overhyped, and low pre-orders. I thought it was only on two platforms, but someone said 3? It MIGHT sell 3-4 million total. 7/10 confirmed.
Also, not that I care, but didn't they already confirm that future titles in the series will be coming to PS4? The only people hyping this game are people on forums... lol
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