Well, looks like we know who won this round, then.
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Wonder if a GOTY candidate will show up o a game that garner the perfect 10/10 coveted score?
1. PC gets many games that end up nominated or winning GOTY from several publications on a yearly basis. Expected for the system with the most aaa/aa and most games shown running on it at every E3 for the last few years.
2. 10/10, well, that was answered twice by GS staff themselves.....higher standards.
Wonder if a GOTY candidate will show up o a game that garner the perfect 10/10 coveted score?
1. PC gets many games that end up nominated or winning GOTY from several publications on a yearly basis. Expected for the system with the most aaa/aa and most games shown running on it at every E3 for the last few years.
2. 10/10, well, that was answered twice by GS staff themselves.....higher standards.
So you dont think so? Damn. Oh well, least consoles get them,
I'm guessing it will be about the hardware, since all games shown at E3 are mostly multiplats. Hell, all games at E3 runs on PCs behind the closed curtains, so I don't think PC conference will be about games. Well, maybe just a few.
Possibly, as you pointed out most of the games at e3 will probably be shown on PC anyways so it would seem redundant.
However ,
The list of speakers includes:
So there might be some stuff on Unreal, SC, and OverWatch.
They need to get valve steam up there with a valve apology, they should start off with showing off mods like make a couple of Dying Light Mods that are outstanding then at the end show NOT DLC, FREE, MADE BY THE PLAYERS, ONLY POSSIBLE ON PCs, and for some laughs show a little bit of the pepsiman mod that recently came out for KillingFloor 2, show off Cities Skylines and make cheap shots at EA and not being on consoles. Reveal more titles for Linux/SteamOS, some Vulkan and DirectX 12 tech demos, have some developers talk and end the conference with a montage of PC games.
I'm guessing it will be about the hardware, since all games shown at E3 are mostly multiplats. Hell, all games at E3 runs on PCs behind the closed curtains, so I don't think PC conference will be about games. Well, maybe just a few.
Possibly, as you pointed out most of the games at e3 will probably be shown on PC anyways so it would seem redundant.
However ,
The list of speakers includes:
So there might be some stuff on Unreal, SC, and OverWatch.
Cliff B isn't with unreal anymore..most likely he's gonna show his own FPS
AMD huh?
They'll probably show off their new GPU and tout it being better than the GTX 900 series with competitive pricing.
Or maybe a real publisher should I don't know, make an exclusively built pc rpg juggernaut like used to happen monthly before x360 came out.
Lul..what? The last time we had anything of this sort was in very early 90s. In second half of that decade RPGs were already considered a dead genre and even after it improved we didn't get more than few decent ones a year. The last few years have been better for the genre on PC than than any period post 1995
PCs have always been at E3, used to showcase games "on" consoles. The better question is, will consoles physically be at E3 this year aside from the brand name?
Probably just the 2-4 exclusives per console, (most of which will flop) as usual.
Anyone with a brain has known E3 is mostly demo'd on PC, thus truly a PC conference.
a formal PC conference is great but between the list of speakers there are few developers which have a high level of competency to represent this show , I don't expect too see microsoft but srsly where is Valve and CD Projekt ?
honestly..i dont know anyone in my real life that plays games on pc except puzzle games,cards,etc..PC is just a niche platform like everything NIN has put out for the last 20 years..People might play it..might be popular..might rake in more $$$$ then all of the others combined..BUT..nobody I know plays it..
me neither. Not even when I was doing my internship at a MS Innovation Center I met a single person that played games on PC. Even my boss at the time, he built a rig for gaming but was always playing Call of Duty on PS3.
"Things you may have noticed" is not really the best objective measurement when it really comes to anything, especially when you are biased considering the both of your post histories. I doubt these situations even occurred tbh.
Not that it matters, there are SINGLE PC games that have almost as many as concurrent users as xbl/psn total. Same goes for sales. PC objectively has more players.
YOu mean..my posting history where I make sure truth is known OR where I take up for certain consoles or games or people when they get bashed and pushed around? OR you trying to make something else up? Again,...PC might be played..but I dont know a single person that plays them. What would anyone have to gain by telling YOU some story? Take it for what it is..STEAM might be killing every console on the market 100x over..BUT that dont mean its popular with anyone I know. I have STEAM and never use it..Heck I dont even remember my account info. AS far as PC games at a local store?..almost none..SO....people can scream "PC WINS" all day long...if it makes you sleep better..
PCs have always been at E3, used to showcase games "on" consoles. The better question is, will consoles physically be at E3 this year aside from the brand name?
Lol they never will be. You gotta trick the mindless drones into thinking their outdated consoles can achieve that level somehow. Build up the hype with unrealistic graphics that are not capable on the console hardware, then downgrade it for release.
Source 2 finally getting its reveal. Valve promised Dota 2 players that it would be coming in the first half of the year zzz
honestly..i dont know anyone in my real life that plays games on pc except puzzle games,cards,etc..PC is just a niche platform like everything NIN has put out for the last 20 years..People might play it..might be popular..might rake in more $$$$ then all of the others combined..BUT..nobody I know plays it..
me neither. Not even when I was doing my internship at a MS Innovation Center I met a single person that played games on PC. Even my boss at the time, he built a rig for gaming but was always playing Call of Duty on PS3.
"Things you may have noticed" is not really the best objective measurement when it really comes to anything, especially when you are biased considering the both of your post histories. I doubt these situations even occurred tbh.
Not that it matters, there are SINGLE PC games that have almost as many as concurrent users as xbl/psn total. Same goes for sales. PC objectively has more players.
YOu mean..my posting history where I make sure truth is known OR where I take up for certain consoles or games or people when they get bashed and pushed around? OR you trying to make something else up? Again,...PC might be played..but I dont know a single person that plays them. What would anyone have to gain by telling YOU some story? Take it for what it is..STEAM might be killing every console on the market 100x over..BUT that dont mean its popular with anyone I know. I have STEAM and never use it..Heck I dont even remember my account info. AS far as PC games at a local store?..almost none..SO....people can scream "PC WINS" all day long...if it makes you sleep better..
"I don't play PC games nor does anyone I know so that means PC gaming isn't popular" is all I'm getting from you
Lack of PC games in retail stores, I see a fair amount at mine, either way the majority of PC gamers are buying digitally and even if they chose to have a box copy they'll buy one online
So does the whole gaming industry completely revolve around you and everyone you know?
125 million Steam users isn't enough to to make PC gaming not a small niche? Do you even know what niche means? How about PC hardware enthusiast breaking records in profit? Or the most streamed games on Twitch being PC games? Most of Asia being PC gamers? PC platform being preferred by most developers?
honestly..i dont know anyone in my real life that plays games on pc except puzzle games,cards,etc..PC is just a niche platform like everything NIN has put out for the last 20 years..People might play it..might be popular..might rake in more $$$$ then all of the others combined..BUT..nobody I know plays it..
me neither. Not even when I was doing my internship at a MS Innovation Center I met a single person that played games on PC. Even my boss at the time, he built a rig for gaming but was always playing Call of Duty on PS3.
"Things you may have noticed" is not really the best objective measurement when it really comes to anything, especially when you are biased considering the both of your post histories. I doubt these situations even occurred tbh.
Not that it matters, there are SINGLE PC games that have almost as many as concurrent users as xbl/psn total. Same goes for sales. PC objectively has more players.
YOu mean..my posting history where I make sure truth is known OR where I take up for certain consoles or games or people when they get bashed and pushed around? OR you trying to make something else up? Again,...PC might be played..but I dont know a single person that plays them. What would anyone have to gain by telling YOU some story? Take it for what it is..STEAM might be killing every console on the market 100x over..BUT that dont mean its popular with anyone I know. I have STEAM and never use it..Heck I dont even remember my account info. AS far as PC games at a local store?..almost none..SO....people can scream "PC WINS" all day long...if it makes you sleep better..
"I don't play PC games nor does anyone I know so that means PC gaming isn't popular" is all I'm getting from you
Lack of PC games in retail stores, I see a fair amount at mine, either way the majority of PC gamers are buying digitally and even if they chose to have a box copy they'll buy one online
So does the whole gaming industry completely revolve around you and everyone you know?
125 million Steam users isn't enough to to make PC gaming not a small niche? Do you even know what niche means? How about PC hardware enthusiast breaking records in profit? Or the most streamed games on Twitch being PC games? Most of Asia being PC gamers? PC platform being preferred by most developers?
And yet..still..I could go to my local walmart..ask say...100 people if they game on pc..I would imagine that only a very small percentage would say "yes"..Its not that Im hating on pc. Im on mine right now. No matter the number from STEAM or other such offerings.No matter how the "numbers" all add up...MORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it? I dont care either way honestly...I know im here in system wars but I'll say this..JUST GAME..rather its pc,console,handheld,smartphone,tablet..GAME..its the only way the industry will survive..
MORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it?
And yet..still..I could go to my local walmart..ask say...100 people if they game on pc..I would imagine that only a very small percentage would say "yes"..It
Maybe, but there would still be a lot o those who said yes than those who play on consoles.
I always find it funny how many people don't realize just how incredibly niche console gaming is.
MORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it?
MORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it?
not all perfect..but gets my point across...Im not hating on PC..what im getting at is gaming as we know it is changing. Consoles,pc as we have known for years is all changing. Tablets,handhelds,phones are taking over..and streaming games will soon take over dd and off the shelf buys..I was there in the big days of pc gaming when it was all coming into the mainstream. It had its time..but its time for a change. I predict all gaming will merge..one device that you will play your mario,zelda,halo,gears,uncharted,the last of us,etc on one device..its gonna happen in the next few years...I dont care who agrees or who wants to insult me...im right..good day guys..im enjoying my day doing things other than debating something I really dont care enough about anymore..
Not one of those links remotely show the bolded 7-size font statement.
Neither of those links actually show console vs PC data. But here are some that do:
M.ORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it? I dont care either way honestly...I know im here in system wars but I'll say this..JUST GAME..rather its pc,console,handheld,smartphone,tablet..GAME..its the only way the industry will survive..
Lol" even on smartphones and tablets". The number of mobile gamers absolutely DWARFS console ones. PC gamers also also a lot more numerous than console ones.
There are more pc gamers at this moment than all console models sold in entire history of console market.
@VanDammFan: PC Gaming hardware market is $21.5 billion dollars which is more than double of the console hardware market and is expected to reach 23.7 billion by 2017.
"We continue to see a shift in casual console customers moving to mobile," JPR Senior Analyst Ted Pollak said. "While this is also occurring in the lower-end PC gaming world, more money is being directed to mid- and high-range builds and upgrades by gamers."
Even with Mobile gaming on the rise in China and South Korea PC gaming still stays dominant.
League of Legends which is just one game has a couple million more users playing daily than the amount of PS4's currently sold and the amount of people playing monthly dwarfs the amount of Wii Us, PS4s, and Xbone's currently sold combined. And this is just for 1 game. Steam active userbase growth has become rapid which was 75 million in January 2014, 100 million by September 2014 and now 125 million by February 2015.
More devs are support PC including Japanese devs, Sega making most of their money on PC now and Konami's PC sales growing.
and speaking of Walmart
M.ORE people play games on consoles/handhelds and even smartphones and tablets. PC as we know it is dying. How many gaming machines are sold yearly? How many people build a gaming pc "like i did" and not even play games on it? I dont care either way honestly...I know im here in system wars but I'll say this..JUST GAME..rather its pc,console,handheld,smartphone,tablet..GAME..its the only way the industry will survive..
Lol" even on smartphones and tablets". The number of mobile gamers absolutely DWARFS console ones. PC gamers also also a lot more numerous than console ones.
There are more pc gamers at this moment than all console models sold in entire history of console market.
Not quite, it's estimated there are 2.5 billion PC in use today, of that roughly 10% are used primarily for gaming.
So it's likely there are somewhere between 200 and 250 million PC gamers world wide.
Tracking data on PC usage is extremely difficult. Not only are there loads of companies who build PC's, both large and small, millions of people self build and then add all that to hardware and software companies rarely releasing tangible sales figures. On the other hand, consoles are easy to track because Nintendo, MS and Sony have an iron grip on their I.P's and love to brag about how many units they have sold.
Not quite, it's estimated there are 2.5 billion PC in use today, of that roughly 10% are used primarily for gaming.
So it's likely there are somewhere between 200 and 250 million PC gamers world wide.
Tracking data on PC usage is extremely difficult. Not only are there loads of companies who build PC's, both large and small, millions of people self build add all that to hardware and software companies rarely releasing tangible sales figures. On the other hand, consoles are easy to track because Nintendo, MS and Sony have an iron grip on their I.P's and love to brag about how many units they have sold.
No..10% is considered hardcore pcgamers. Overall there are estimated over 700 mln people who play on PCs these day. last month almost 150 mln gamers played Candy Crush Saga on Facebook. I'm not sure there are more console gamers as a whole on the market right now.
Compared to PC and mobile console gaming is a small niche. It's incredibly profitable niche, but still niche. Consoles never managed to become truly mainstream
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